Chapter 32- Match!

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The only reason Leo wasn't about to be lowered six feet into the ground was due to his reflexes and the uniform.

He brushed himself off and returned to the ring, feeling a bit sore after that attack. He admitted to himself that he did underestimate Eli's growth but he was just as determined to win this.

Eli was still calm, not letting the win get to his head. He had a one shot tactic with that misdirection with his wand so that was now useless, it would be much harder to catch him off guard now.

Adding to Eli's predicament was the fact that Leo was an Illusionist. Knowing that before hand was just as bad as not knowing at all, he would second guess everything before he moved and that slowed his reaction time drastically.

Ms. Ileana raised her hand, the boys ten feet apart within the ring, and dropped it swiftly, continuing the match.

Eli quickly shot off, aiming an amped up fist to Leo's stomach. Leo didn't go for his illusions this time instead he blocked directly and attempted to counter with a swift kick to Eli's gut that he dodged and then put some distance in between them by flipping backwards.

Both their chests were heaving as they stared at each other and they went at it again.

Eli slammed his foot in Leo's side but the image rippled and disappeared allowing Leo to sneak up behind him, an enhanced kick greeted Eli's face and sent him flying out the ring.

Eli spat up a bit of blood from his mouth and returned to the ring. The students were enamored by the fight, some of the others had actually finished like Javier, who had won flawlessly.

A plan formulated in Eli's mind and he decided to go all in, feeling a bit fatigued by the magic sense that he used earlier, he knew he had to win completely in this round which meant knocking out Leo.

As much as Leo would hate to admit it, that water spell did a number on him and he was feeling a bit faint, he had to finish this in this round so he's heading for a knockout as well.

The signal was given and the boys went at it again, blows were being parried, no one was landing any hits. Eli always hitting an illusion and Leo not agile enough to land one on Eli.

Eli put some distance between them and created five bullets and sent them all at Leo who backflipped out the way, the bullets destroying the floor as they hit where Leo once stood.

The dust rised and Leo sent a hidden blast through but Eli saw that coming and dodged countering with a bullet that narrowly missed Leo's head.

Eli was getting spent. He may be able to cast spells but he still tends to put too much magicules in them than necessary, he was running low on fuel and Leo knew it.

Dad. Aurum's voice echoes in Eli's mind.

Use Aurum.

Eli's eyes widen when he realized what Aurum meant. Familiars weren't against the rules but a Great Dragon? Surely that would've been banned if they had known about it.

No Aurum, I'll be fine.

It was all or nothing with this plan, he wouldn't use Aurum's magic just because when he crushed Leo, he wanted it to be with only his strength alone.

Leo attacked, creating fire blasts from all directions. Only one of these were real but Eli wouldn't know that until they were in range of his sense.

Eli breathed out deeply, clearing his mind. He'd done it before, though not consciously, he used that element the day he arrived at the Academy.

It would be fast enough to prevent an unsuspecting Leo from dodging and it would be strong enough to knock him out, or kill him. Either was a win for Eli, kidding, if he messed up that could seriously harm Leo.

Feeling the magicules rush through his body, he threw up his arm, thinking of a bright all illuminating light. He felt the tingling in his fingertips and he ejected it forward.

In an instant a beam of light blasted through one of the incoming fireballs hitting Leo directly sending him flying out the circle and straight through the barrier crashing in a wall

Eli fell to a knee, having basically no magicules left in his system after that attack. Leo was down and out for the count and Eli was grinning from ear to ear despite gasping for air.


The arena was dead silent. The number two lost to the new kid in the very first round.

Javier sat in the bleachers with a couple other students around him congratulating him on his win but he was too busy staring down at Eli, his heart swelling with pride.

"That's my boyfriend!" He stood and shouted out loud and somehow the arena got impossibly more quiet, people processing what they had just heard.

Elana stood and began to clap and cheer which caused a chain reaction and soon everyone was clapping and cheering for Eli who couldn't move an inch, sitting on the floor his face overheating as Javier stood realizing he couldn't move just yet.

I can't believe he did that!

Eli wanted to crawl up in a hole and die. Pretty soon after, he was swept up in his 'boyfriend's' arms and he couldn't help but grin when he saw the silly smile on his face.

"Why do you insist on embarrassing me?" He asked hiding his face in his neck as they go back to the locker rooms.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed."

"So are you." Eli reached up and pecked his cheek making the taller boy blush bright red.

Javier cleared his throat and looked away, not wanting Eli to see the effect that peck had on him, but that didn't work based on the dumb grin Eli was sporting.

"I think I can walk from here."

"Oh, okay." He carefully placed him on his feet and wrapped an arm around his waist for support.

Upon arriving Eli forgoed using one of the showers in there and began to change into more casual clothes which involved stripping off the uniform and that made Javier turn bright red yet again and he spun around, covering his eyes quickly making Eli chuckle.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before."

"Shut up and congratulations, I knew you could do it."

Eli smiled as he slipped on his shorts, walking up to Javier and embracing him from behind.

"Thanks for believing in me but I'm so kicking your ass next." Javier laughed out loud turning around while shaking his head.

"We'll see about that now won't we?" Javier said as he dips his head downwards collecting Eli's lips in a soft kiss.

"That's unsanitary."

The boys pulled away to see a smiling Mr. Donia standing by the doorway.

"A minute Eli?" Eli nodded and walked outside.

"Congratulations." He said stiffly, not sure exactly how to portray his pride in this situation.

Eli smiled and wrapped his arms around the slightly taller, awkward man.

"I couldn't have done it without you."

"No hugs for us?"

Eli turned around and saw the twins and Akira. He went over and attempted to hug them all but Ethan took a couple steps back.

"You're sweaty." Eli rolled his eyes and they all erupted into laughter which made Javier come outside to see everyone standing outside the door.

"Your boyfriend huh?" Akira asked a teasing smile gracing her lips. Javier lit up like a christmas tree and grabbed Eli's hand running off with Elana and Akira chasing them gushing about how cute they are together.

Mr. Donia smiled while walking off to go and find Ms. Tatiana, enjoying the fact that Eli found such great friends.

It's good to see everyone happy.

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