Chapter 6- Training

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They approached Mr. Donia who was laying on the grass, eyes closed, soaking up the sun on his pale skin, his tie slung over his face, his white dress shirt still remaining impeccably clean and his dress pants rolled up to his knees.

"Glad to see you've made it on time." He said, eyes remaining closed and his glasses failed to hide in his breast pocket.

"Was that another bad joke?" Eli responded cracking a smile for the first time after the uncomfortable silence that followed after the earlier conversation he had with Javier.

"Guess I'll be taking my leave, I have manga to read." Javier said shoving his hands in his shorts and preparing to turn away.

"I'll see you later Javier, and don't you dare eat my leftovers." Javier began jogging away and shot Eli a cheeky grin.

"I didn't know that it was there but thanks for that piece of information mijo."

Eli just smiled to himself.

A smile suits him better than that frown, but if he eats my food he'll never smile again.

"Let's get started shall we?" Mr. Donia flipped himself up, rolled up his sleeves and took his tie off discarding it over in the grass. He then unbuttoned the first two button of his shirt, revealing a pale and well toned chest.

"Uh... Sir? I don't exactly know how to... Magic." Eli said while scratching his head fear rampant in his mind as he sees his professor swinging his arms to stretch them out.

He then felt a tingle in his spine and turned around to be greeted with a blast of water, he threw out his hand trying to deflect or block it but his efforts are fruitless as water soaked him to the bone.

"Just becuase I don't look like I can attack means that I can't."

"It seems you can sense magicules to some extent, now, you have to be able to feel it. That's your first lesson, picture your gourd, imagine it being filled to the brim with your magicules, like water in a vase, imagine that water trickling over now."

Eli did exactly as the teacher said closing his eyes picturing a gourd, filled to the brim with water, he then imagined it trickling over and felt a heat pooling in his stomach.

"That's perfect. Now make that heat move through your stomach, travel up through your chest and run down into your fingertips." Mr. Donia said smiling, he had never met a student in his life that has been able to do this on the first try.

Eli followed his teachers advice feeling the heat, flow through his body, feeling it tingle in his finger tips.

"Now raise your hand and picture water flowing, like a tap that's barely turnt on."

Eli pictured the water and immediately he felt a rush of energy, almost electric like ran from his stomach to his arms and to his surprise he saw water accumulating in his palm.

"When you're more experienced you'll be able to make shapes and objects with that magic, right now however we'll be focusing on the flow of your magic through your body."

Eli imagined a bird, not intentionally, he heard shapes and objects and it popped into his mind. He felt more energy rushing throughout his body and the water began to take shape into a nightingale.

Mr. Donia was shocked, never in his decades of teaching had a student ever been able to demonstrate such magical control without atleast three months of practice. However his shock was completely overridden with panic when the bird began to grow in size and mutate into something much bigger.

"Eli, calm down, take a deep breath, picture your gourd, imagine how stable it is, picture the water in the gourd being completely still." Mr. Donia said keeping the panic out of his voice to calm his student down.

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