Chapter 15- Dreams

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Eli stood surrounded by flames, the heat, making him sweat but he isn't getting burnt, he mades out the image of what seemed to be a boy and a woman standing in front of him, burning, screaming. However he couldn't see anything at all, no face, no hair, nothing. There was no smoke, just flames that rose up to his chest and heat.

Looking around frantically, searching for some way out of the fire, he tripped and fell somehow and closed his eyes tight in preparation for the pain. He felt as if he'd been falling for far too long so he opened his eyes and as he did he saw the ocean incoming, and sucked in a deep breath and then splashed into water.

He clawed his way out of the water, the water feeling almost solid, he swam upwards and grabbed hold of the surface of the water, with unsteady hands he pulled himself up and stood on the water.

The ocean was still, but beautiful. The sun rays glittered across the water making it sparkle and gleam. The sky a vibrant blue, with a few clouds floating around. As he walked on the water, the footsteps caused ripples to run across the entire ocean. No sound at all heard, the ocean was eternally peaceful.

As he walked, in no particular direction, he saw someone walking towards him. The closer he got the more familiar the person appeared. When he realized who it was, he was a little freaked out.

He had been standing infront of himself, everything the same, from the hair, the height, his body. It was as if he was looking in a mirror.

He lifted his right hand, and the other him mirrored the action, raising the hand on the opposite side. He reached out to touch the mirror him and it reached out to touch him too. Their fingers touched and Eli couldn't help but think about how vivid this dream was.

He retracted his hand, and ran a hand through his hair wondering what the hell was happening in this creepy dream. When he noticed something stranged, the mirrored him, had the wrong hand up.

He flinched backwards and the other him didn't move, but grin. Looking at him with the same black eyes.

What kind of creepy ass dream is this. Eli thought to himself.

"The fun type." The other him said, his black eyes slowly morphing into a bright blue. The voice was different, deeper, colder and the reflection smiled as it looked at Eli. "Lies are an ugly thing boy."

"Who-" As soon as the word left his mouth, the sea became unsteady, the waves picking up and moving furiously. A huge wave came right over Eli and swallowed him whole and he shot up out of his bed, with his alarm going off. Cold sweat trickling down his body, his necklace sticking to his clammy skin.

Normally he would've dismissed this as a simple dream, but he could still taste the salt water in the back of his throat that he inhaled when the wave crashed on him. Feeling thoroughly freaked out, he decided to start his day and get out of his head.

Lies are an ugly thing

The words rang in Eli's mind, and he was confused as to what that exactly meant, and the fire, the people in it, was that of his home? Or was it completely unrelated?

He got ready for school, putting on his uniform and eating his breakfast alone today, Javier leaving earlier saying he had some business with his enchantment professor.

A knock sounded at the door. Frowning, not expecting anyone, Eli grabbed his things and answered the door seeing the twins standing there.

"C'mon you and Ethan have the same class right now, Javier told he'd meet you both there." Elana said a mischievous expression painting her face, and Eli could've sworn he saw her wink. Ethan stood behind her intimidatingly, only inclining his head as to acknowledge the other boy's presence.

"Ok, let's go then." They set off to class. A one hour session of Divination, Eli wondering if he'll have Ms. Tatiana as his teacher. He grimaces remembering the limp he had after that fight, but despite that he liked the teacher, there was something relaxing about her.

Ethan and Eli entered the class, Eli sat in the chair closest to the door at the front and Ethan going to sit a the back, his frame made the seats appear to be made for toddlers. Javier coming in next, grabbing the seat next to Eli.

"You make some weird noises in your sleep y'know." Javier said, a teasing glint in his eye, smirking. Eli felt the heat rushing to his cheeks, and punched Javier's arm.

"Why'd you have to bring that up here?"

"Jokes aside, it didn't sound like a pleasant dream. Are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm fine, I had this weird dream about a fire and the ocean."

Javier felt his blood run cold at the mention of the fire, immediately wondering if Eli was finally breaking through the spell. As he was formulating a response Leo walked in, his icy blue eyes glaring at the two boys, to which Eli glared back and Javier sighed.

"Look, it's Mr. Pathetic. I heard that you need a wand to cast your spells, you probably need someone to wipe your ass too, honestly, how'd someone like you end up in this school?"

Before Eli could respond, Javier told him to let it go and that Leo wasn't worth it, Leo responded by smirking and walking away feeling as if he won something.

A loud bang on the door, startled the class, and all noise ceased. The door opened revealing a scowling Tatiana who had just walked into the door by accident, rubbing her forehead while letting out a string of curse words under her breath.

"Morning brats."

The students stared at her, no one making a sound until one girl snickered, and the entire class erupted in laughter. Tatiana's scowl deepens and she turned to the board and begin to write, her scowl completely disappearing and she grinned widely, happy to hear the laughter of her students.

Eli sitting at the corner saw her face and smiled himself, her energy was just infectious, the class felt lighter, everyone paying attention, participating and having a good time. It felt less like a class and more like a family.

She's a great teacher, maybe even better than Mr. Donia.

The bell rang all too soon and she dismissed the students. They all shuffled out of the class smiling brightly and waving a goodbye to Tatiana who simply acted as if she wasn't paying attention, but her act fooled none of her students, they could see her smile and her little hand on the desk wiggling back as if to say goodbye.

Eli stood outside waiting for Ethan. Ethan walked out and was a little surprised to see Eli waiting for him.

"What class do you have now?"

"Transmutation." His short answer came with a grunt as they walked side by side.

"Oh, I have Necromancy, guess I'll see you at lunch then."

"Be careful and keep your sterotypes away from that class." Ethan said and walked away not giving Eli the chance to question what he meant.

Sterotypes? About the class? What's there to sterotype, necromancy is the magic of death, everyone knows that.

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