Chapter 5- Anarchy

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Two days had passed and the academy was vacant, only about 20 students remained on the campus as they had no families to return to.

Saturday, marked the first day of training Eli had to face. It was 9am and Mr. Donia had given him instructions to meet him outside, at the training field at 11.

Throwing his feet off the edge of his bed, Eli stood and looked around his new home. It was pretty scarce, few furniture, bland peach walls and he had no personal items, he didn't even have a phone, and his memory had yet to return. He walked towards the closet to set out his outfit for the day.

Surprisingly, he liked the clothes that he found upon entering the dorm room. He took out his underwear, a sleeveless black hoodie and grey sweatpants.

He then walked to the bathroom and cleansed his body and brushed his teeth. Stepping out of the shower with his towel on his waist, water droplets raced to see which can meet his V-line first.

He walked out of his room and headed to the kitchen, to put on some coffee. He turned around to walk back to his room and ran into a wall, well a body that felt like a wall, he fell backwards and his towel came undone when he fell on his ass.

"I'm sor-" Javier tried to say until he realized Eli's towel was no longer wrapped around his waist but on the other side of the boy. He flushes bright red and all the moisture in his mouth disappeared as he looked at the bate boy beneath him.

Eli quickly grabbed the towel and covered himself, his face was hot as he got up he shot a small glare at Javier.

"Normally I'd wait until three dates to get naked." He said feeling the burning gaze of Javier's dark blue eyes, that seemed to have darkened even further on his body. When their eyes locked they trapped Eli's entire gaze.

"Sorry, I was trying to scare you but you turned around suddenly." Javier said running a hand through his perfectly cut hair, his face still a little flushed, the image of Eli's perfect body and package permanently seared into his brain and he wasn't complaining, he felt attracted to the boy which was a first for him.

"When did you get here?" Eli asked. Javier wasn't in the dorm for the 2 days Eli was, he thought that maybe Javier had returned home for summer vacation.

"I came back about 10 minutes ago, I was out with some friends celebrating the end of the semester." Javier said finally his face regaining its initial temperature.

"Okay..." Eli said, the air felt awkward so he fidgeted a little, he held his arm and rubbed at it, trying to wash the embarrassment away.

Deciding that the awkwardness wasn't worth it he went to get some clothes, escaping the scrutinizing eyes of Javier. He walked back to his room and changed into his clothes to prevent further damage to his pride.

Walking out, he saw Javier sitting in the couch watching tv. The dorms were basically apartments, each had two rooms that all had their own bathrooms, a kitchen and a living/dining room area. The furniture had a modern touch to it, and while it seemed stiff and uncaring, it actually was really comfortable.

Eli walked to the kitchen and poured himself a steaming cup of black coffee and drank it immediately, savoring the burn he felt on his lips and how the liquid warmed him up on the inside as it slid down his throat.

He decided to skip breakfast and checked the time that had been 10:40, so he made his way to the training field.

When opening the door, Javier called out to him.

"Hey wait, where are you going?" He said standing up, stretching his arms above his head, his t-shirt rides up a little revealing a sharp v-line and a trail of small hairs embedded in rock hard abs, that led down into his shorts. Eli licked his lips subconsciously at the sight.

"I have training with Mr. Donia at the field." He said snapping his eyes up to meet a cocky grin.

"Do you know your way?" Javier asked hoping for a no so he could accompany the teen, not even sure why he would want to, he had manga to read and a now an image to daydream about.

"Yes. He showed it to me yesterday." Eli said and watched as Javier deflated.

"But my memory sucks so could you help me?" Javier instantly perked up and his big blue eyes locked with Eli's, and the way he tilted his head reminded him of a puppy. He nodded and they made their way towards the training field.

Still in awe of the Academy, Eli glanced around looking at the large white columns decorated with gold inscriptions, looking like temples from the 800 B.C, but somehow maintaining a futuristic mystique. The footsteps of the teens echoed as they walked towards the field and the air was heavy with the awkward tension.

"What's it like here at the academy?" Eli asked, finally breaking the tension that was growing stronger in between the two.

"It's... safe." Javier answered looking glum, his lips curled downwards and it was the first time Eli had seen him with that expression. He stared at his reflection in the tiles on the floor, and took a right to the next corridor, going to the exit up ahead.

"What do you mean exactly?"

"In a society where magic exists, laws don't exactly hold much weight, everyone has the ability to do whatever they want no matter how many Wards we have patrolling and trying to keep the peace. This has been an issue for more than a decade. The killings, the robberies, the poaching, everything. The Grand Council of Magia (GCM) tries to keep everything under control but there is only so much that they can do." Javier said looking up with a pained expression on his face.

As they arrived outside the sun casted a shadow on his face, perhaps that's why his eyes appeared to darken.

"So it's complete anarchy."

"Yes, ever since the disappearance of the Royal Family of Gestia, the people think the GCM has something to do with the disappearance and doesn't trust them. They started rebelling and looting which led to the anarchy we live in now."

"The royal family disappeared?"

"Yes. 18 years ago. That was the end of the peace, May 2nd 2002."

Why is that date so familiar? Is it linked to my memories?

"That was the day my brother died giving his life for this realm, for this country, Gestia." Javier said and Eli's blood ran cold and his footsteps came to hault upon hearing that news.

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