Extra #1- First time

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"Paid leave?"

"Yes David, you're in no condition to be teaching these students. Stay home and sort through this."

His black hair was greasy, and stuck out in as if he hadn't bother to groom himself waking up that morning. There were stains on his shirts from God knows what or rather who. The man was a mess.

Ms. Montgomery could smell the stench of alcohol from where she sat behind her desk. His eyes were bloodshot red, signaling that he either hadn't slept last night or that he had slept too much.

It pained her to see one of her oldest friends like this but she couldn't do anything else. She had referred him to a therapist but he refused, flat out refused, not even giving it some thought.

"I-I I can't go." The man sounded so broken, so helpless and his feelings of useless resonated in her body.

"You have to. You need time to heal, to cope. Plus you wouldn't want Eli to see you like this, I know what that boy means to you." Mr. Donia held his head down in his hands, nodding slightly, the hot tears already threatening to pour out.

He knew he couldn't continue like this, but it hurt so much without the intoxicant. He wasn't sure he could survive without it, it had a way of numbing everything he felt. His worries would be all but gone, his emotions calmed, a gentle throb. It would be something he could handle then.

"I'll leave."

"Good, I'll help you clean up and pack for Gestia then."


"I'm leaving."

The phoenix that was perched on a nearby branch at the training field flew away as the icy breeze scattered the fallen leaves across the area.

"What? Why?" Eli asked with wide eyes as he stared at his teacher.

"I... I have- I just need a break Eli."

Eli observed the man before him. He would appear fine to anyone that didn't actually know him.

The small smile he carried on his face normally was missing, left behind. The dark circles under his eyes had gotten bigger and those eyes, those green eyes had lost their light.

"You'll take care of yourself right?"

"I will."


"I promise Eli." A small smile appeared on his face and that was all Eli needed to see to breathe a sigh of relief.

He'll be fine. Or so he hoped.

Eli wrapped his arms tentatively around the man who was all dressed up and ready to leave, squeezing him a bit tighter when he felt the older man return the action.

"I'll see you soon Eli." Eli nodded and watched as the man took off in the opposite direction.

"How soon is soon?" His question didn't reach the man's ears, the cold winds picking up the words as they had the fallen leaves earlier.


The town had been crowded that day. Perhaps not the best day for a family outing. Eli, Aurum and Javier sat inside a restaurant, having a late Sunday brunch.

"The food won't run away Aurum." The boy looked up at Javier, his gold eyes trained on him before he did something that shocked them both.

He rolled his eyes, making Eli sputter and laugh out slightly, straining to maintain proper etiquette.

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