Chapter 18- Egg

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"Well fuck me in the ass with a pole, I'll be damned."

Javier and Eli glanced at the girl wondering what the hell she just said, and questioned her sanity for the umpteenth time today.

"What is it?"

"It's a dragon egg."

"Wow, like an actual dragon?"

"No like a lizard dumbass."

Eli glared at the girl not appreciating that shot of sarcasm right there, while Javier chuckled lightly.

"How did a rock become a dragon egg?"

"Well... I don't know but I'd say your fingers must have some kind of magic so gimme a try won't ya?"

"You can stop now."

"It doesn't come with an off switch."

Javier glared at her too, not enjoying that particular kind of joke when it was directed to Eli.

"Let's get back to the twins, are you keeping it?" Javier asked lifting a brow.

"Yea... it felt like it was calling me here, and I don't think I can leave an egg out in the wild."

"Okay." They made their way back to the twins, seeing the kitsune on top of Ethan's head as he scowled and Elana laughing her ass off.

"What happened here?"

"Apparently it likes him a lot more than it likes me, is that a-"

"Yes, magic fingers over there found it."

"Lucky you, I've been looking for a pet for years, but animals don't seem to like me much, they all flock to Ethan."

"Because I can be still." Ethan said earning a glare from Elana and a laugh from Akira. Elana didn't even last a whole 10 seconds before her attention was turned to some "pretty birdy" and Ethan rolled his eyes standing, the fox jumping off and shaking it's two tails.

The group decided to head back as it was getting dark and they all started moving towards the outside of the forest, when they realized the kitsune is still following Ethan. He shooed and tried everything to get the thing to leave him alone but it didn't.

"We can take it back with us, and give it a home." Elana said softly while touching her brother's shoulder her eyes conveying a message that he understood and nodded his head reluctantly.

The group teleported back to the dorms, infront of Eli's to be specific.

"Are you guys stalkers, how'd you know where I live?"

"Get over yourself, we're 901 and the twins are 902."

"I couldn't do that if I tried, I'm 900." she said while walking down to the other room and entering, they all shook their heads at her behaviour before going into their seperate dorms.

"You can put it down you know." Javier said to Eli watching the boy cradle the egg as if it were a baby.

"I will... soon." Javier rolled his eyes and decided to start the dinner tonight and Eli went to go have a shower, resting the egg on his bed.

Over dinner, an uncomfortable silence fell over them. Only the clanging of the forks on the plate making any sound.

"Do you think she'll be alright?"

"She seems like a strong girl, she'll be fine."

"I hope so, I like her, she's a good person."

"Mhmm, she is isn't she?"

Eli nodded his head in agreement, taking up the dishes and placing them into the sink, after a day like this, all he wanted to do is sink in his bed now and go to sleep.

Upon reaching the bed, he saw the egg and smiled faintly. He slipped under the covers and curls around it, cuddling it. He can't explain why, but he felt very attached to an egg.

I'm like a hen with her chick. He mused to himself yawning. His eyes slowly closed but not before they flash a bright blue. He felt his hands tingle a little around the egg but paid it no mind going off to dreamland.


"You found a dragon egg?" Mr. Donia said throwing a kick towards Eli's face which he dodged ducking down and placing his hands on the ground.

"Yea I did, we went to the forest." Eli responded, spinning on his hands on the ground to build momentum into a kick that he landed on Mr. Donia's arm.

"Nice move, those are a little rare, you're pretty lucky." Mr. Donia said, grabbing Eli's foot and flipping him on his back.

"You still have a lot to learn however, but you're steadily improving."

"You make me train everyday after school ofcourse I'm improving." Eli said a tone of annoyance in his words.

"Do you not want to?"

"Want to what?"

"Train everyday?"

"Well, no it's just... I want to spend some time with my new friends too."

"I understand, you can have the weekends off. Akira Nakamoto, she's a friend of yours isn't she?"

"Umm... yes, but don't ask her cause she'll say no."

"How is she? It's been a couple days since that incident."

"She's doing surprisingly well, almost as if it never happened, maybe the banshee was wrong." They started to get ready to end this training session, it's about eight now.

"Banshees are never wrong."

Eli nodded absentmindedly at that, thinking of his egg at home, he left Javier on egg duty but he couldn't help but worry a little.

I'm like an overprotective dad, the hell is wrong with me.

"I'll see you on Monday then." And with that Mr. Donia walked off, walking towards Tatiana's room. Most of the staff lived on campus as well, seeing as they came from all over the Four Kingdoms.

After knocking on the door and entering Mr. Donia saw Tatiana just throwing a big t-shirt over her head to cover her body.

"David! Didn't anyone teach you to wait until someone says 'enter' you prick!" She said as a small blush painted her cheeks.

"You didn't say 'don't enter' either so I assumed it was safe." Mr. Donia said making himself at home and going to sit on the couch.

"What do you want?"

"I want your help."

"What's new?" She asked staring intently at the teacher letting his hair out and getting a bit more comfortable taking off his glasses. Her heart soared that David, trusted her enough to let his guard down.

"I need you to watch Mr. Spear."

"Look, I get that you don't like the guy bu-"

"No, that's not it, you know me, I wouldn't ask this because of something as silly as emotions. He knows I'm suspicious so he makes sure not to slip up when I'm around. I need your help, something is off with that man."

"Fine. But you owe me again."

"It's just how he definitely would have known that a banshee entered through the barrier, it is his spell afterall, and the Cellarium, the magic crystal that stores the magic to power the barrier, he would definitely know if someone or something tampered with that as well."

"And what if he's innocent? What if this banshee was simply stronger than the barrier, or what if it's someone else all together?"

"If that's the case we'll cross that bridge when we get there, but for now just keep an eye on him, I have a hunch."

She sighed but agrees anyways, letting the man out and closing the door. Her heart swooned at the thought of being the one David chose for this task, it proved he trusted her.

So maybe... I'm special to him too.

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