Chapter 49- Everybody Dies

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"Who's side are you on?" Akira asked as she pointed her blade at Zeke who was looking intently at Ethan, their gazes hadn't left each other since Zeke's arrival.

"I'm far more powerful than you are, the fact that you aren't dead yet should tell you which side I'm on."

Ethan couldn't stop looking at Zeke. He physically couldn't take his eyes off his body and it seemed whatever Ethan felt it was definitely being reciprocated by Zeke as well.

He was fully prepared to kill Akira just a minute ago and now, she was the furthest thing from his mind. He felt a warmth spread all throughout his body the longer he stared in those intense hazel eyes.


Akira's snapping fingers finally broke the staring contest the boy's had engaged in and now they both turned to glare at her, Ethan regretting not having decapitating her yet.

He decided to do so now and took a step forward but she took two back and he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Aren't you the traitor?"

She glared at Zeke and her jaw tensed as she tried to calm herself. This wasn't the time for her to get upset over such a thing so she bit back her initial thought and explained to Zeke she was being controlled by Morgana which didn't surprise him, he had been in her shoes until a few minutes ago.

"Perhaps we could trade traumas while baking cookies?" Under normal circumstances Akira would've been all for it and laughed but unfortunately, the situation called for her to be serious.

"I have something to tell you both. It's about how you're... feeling." They both looked at her, their brows raised quizzical as if to inquire exactly what she thought they were feeling, their bond was already setting.

"I overheard Morgana talking to someone once." It made sense to Zeke, Morgana had the girl at her beck and call, much like a slave, so it wouldn't be impossible for her to have eavesdrop. "She was saying something about how Zeke had found his 'fated'."

"My what?" The boy asked with a tilt of his head which Ethan found absolutely adorable and he scolded himself for it.

Zeke had never heard of any such thing from Morgana so this was a bit of news to him, not that he knew what exactly "his fated" was.

Ethan on the other hand paled when Akira's words registered and it wasn't due to the blood he'd lost earlier from his now healed wound. He knew exactly what the term "fated" was and the thought that Akira was suggesting such a thing was crazy.

If what she said is true that would mean Zeke is...

"Your... fated." She was really hesitant to continue as Ethan's steel grey eyes locked onto hers, he knew what she meant and he wasn't liking what he was hearing.

"Care to elaborate traitor?" She glared at Zeke and as she was going to speak Ethan cut her off.

"She's trying to say that we're fated to love each other, that we're bonded by souls... That you're my soulmate."

Zeke would've laughed if he'd actually paid attention to anything the boy had said, but he was captivated by his voice. It was the first time he'd heard him speak and it surely wouldn't be the last if he had a say in it.

The words the boy said registered a few moments later and he looked at the pair that were staring at him. He would've denied the claims but if the boy's voice and presence had affected him that much, there had to be some truth behind it.

This whole day was a complete shitshow for Zeke. He found Ethan by complete accident, he was on his way out the castle, he was going to run.

These turn of events convinced him even more so to do said thing, he never asked for a 'fated' whatever the hell that really meant and he never asked to have his memories sealed or some random boy calling him his friend.

The Fidem had told him they were going to save the world, that there would never be another starving child on the street like what had happened to him. However, since Zeke had never been homeless and they'd tampered with his memories, their goals were most definitely different as well and he wanted no part in whatever they may be.

He was done. He'd go out and find some comfortable hole to crawl up and live out the rest of his days, he didn't even care about his old memories.

After seeing how desperate Elijah was to have him by his side he knew Elijah had no one else, that was the desperation of someone utterly alone, so why would he want that for himself?

"Good to know, farewell."

Zeke turned on his heels and set off, or atleast he attempted to when the most delicious feeling crawled up his arm. He gasped and looked down to it to see a hand clasping his smaller one.


Ethan didn't know why he stopped him, he didn't want this, but he so did. Ethan couldn't let him go, if he was Zeke's fated then that would imply something he'd need to confirm and he didn't know when next he'd see the boy.

"Help me." Zeke's eyes narrowed upon hearing the boy's request. Perhaps it was the fact that he still held his hand, allowing that savory feeling to run through his veins that made him nod his head.

"Eli and Aurum has to leave here now."

Zeke didn't really care about those two but as he told Ethan he'd help he would stay true to his word. He removed his hand from Ethan's, instantly feeling a bit depraved at the lost of physical contact with Ethan.

They knew of Morgana's plans and would ensure they didn't bear to fruition.


Javier walked closely behind Eli, holding Aurum tenderly in his arms being sure not to step on any uneven surface as to make the trip as painless as possible for the boy.

The steps were especially hard to travel up with Aurum, but they managed to do so without triggering any traps.

Eli was furious, but he was also worried and feeling a whole lot of guilt. It was his fault in the first place why Aurum had gotten captured. It was in that very moment, as he had climbed the stairs that he made an oath to himself.

Aurum would never be hurt again as long as he lived, and any who dared to introduce pain to Aurum would die.

They arrived at the entrance of the keep and Javier sensed multiple energy sources from the outside.

They were surrounded, it was a trap. Eli had felt them as well but he didn't care, he had hoped they showed themselves so he had something to release all the frustration he had pent up over the past months.

He would slaughter the lot of them and he wouldn't bat an eye, they had brought this on themselves. He only hoped that when they died their souls went on to suffer in the afterlife, if they didn't he'd follow them there and make them suffer in death as well.


"Keep Aurum safe."

With those words Eli stepped outside the keep, a couple hundred soldiers stood around the keep. It was atleast 400, 400 dead men walking.

"We meet again Elijah." Eli looked to the side of the keep and saw Morgana standing there, a smirk dancing on her lips that were blackened with lipstick. Her eyes glinted when she saw his eyes flicker blue and her smirk widened. "Did you find your pet?"

Eli attacked.

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