Chapter 37- Taken

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Eli didn't fall to the floor, his frame was now being supported by Mr. Donia, who had arrived just in time to keep Mr. Spear from snatching the boy up.

"David! I've been waiting forever for you." Spear said his lips turning upwards as his tongue escaped his mouth and wet them, his eyes picking apart Mr. Donia's body.

Mr. Donia looked at the man with a look of disgust painting his features, even Zeke looked a little weirded out by Spear's actions and took a step back Aurum still in his arms.

The moment Spear thought Mr. Donia had dropped his guard, he lounged trying to grab Eli from his arms, Mr. Donia quickly summoned a spriggan that thwarted his attempts by creating a wooden wall between the attacker and his summoner.

"You always played hard to get." He shouted from the other side of the wall. "Call off the wood dog and maybe we can bone."

Mr. Donia was now thoroughly uncomfortable and conjured another spriggan and a gnome placing Eli in their care while opening a portal and confronting Spear head on.

Spear attacked first like Mr. Donia anticipated, trying to land a kick to the guts but he leg was caught by the spriggan and snapped in two, bone sticking out which had the man moaning but not in agony, whatever it was Mr. Donia wanted nothing to do with it.

He opened a portal behind Morgana who had been watching the events unfold with a small smile on her face. His first summon went through it attacking Morgana forcing her to move away from Javier's body.

He created another portal under Javier which moved him to the other summons for them to protect him too.

Zeke gave Morgana the boy he held and Mr. Donia's eyes widen in recognition, he needed to get it away from them.

Zeke had other plans however as the veins on his hands along with his fingertips turned pitch black and he dashed forward in an attempt to grab Mr. Donia, who had to take a couple steps back moving to retrieving the broken sword Zeke earlier discarded and he swung it upwards, lopping off the boy's outstretched hand.

Zeke didn't even flinch as he grabbed the hand before it hit the ground, and placed it back where it belonged holding it together. A white light enveloped the dismembered limb and as he removed his arm all that remained was just a fading scar.

There was no way that was possible. Mr. Donia had never seen anyone reattach a limb like that in his life, his finger took hours and it was their best necromancer who worked on it, Mr. Michaelson.

To think that the boy infront of him had a healing prowess greater than anything he'd ever seen gave Mr. Donia chills and reminded him of the very pupil he had been training for the last six months.

While he was marveling in his thoughts, a recovering Akira was sneaking up behind him, sword in hand in an attempt to get another stab in.

She struck fast and hard, the blade going through yet another chest in the same day, and Mr. Donia coughed up a glob of blood, as his lungs began to fill with blood, effectively stopping his breathing.

She smirked and removed her blade but Mr. Donia didn't even move, and that made her pay closer attention and saw the image flickering a bit, making her eyes widen.

A bolt of electricity sent her flying to her grandmother's feet, who looked at the girl pure disgust gracing her features.

Akira looked up and met the gazes of the other professors, Leo, Brenden, the headmistress, and a few of the town wards. They were now outnumbered, but that didn't mean they were out powered.

"Zeke." In an instant the boy is at her side, ready to attack the reinforcements that arrived. "We're leaving."


"He'll come to us."

Mr. Donia tried to grab her, but it was too late, they had already teleported out of his range along with Aurum who was still unknown to most.

"David, do it again." Mr. Spear drawled out, clutching his leg with his hands, tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

Sadly, Mr. Spear was left behind. It was very probable that his associates didn't like him very much.

"Detain him."


12 hours later and Ethan didn't know what to do. Elana was in a coma, Eli was sedated with some unknown substance so god knows when he'd wake up and Javier was bedridden with a wound to his side.

Ethan was the only one that wasn't gravely injured and he was stewing in that mess of a brain he had. He still hadn't wrapped his mind about what happened with Akira and he didn't want to, if he saw her again she would die. His hands flex at the thought of squeezing the life out of her.

It's been years since he had been seperated from his sister and it was taking a toll on his mental health, he hadn't moved from her bedside in the last 12 hours and he hadn't planned to.

He blamed himself thinking things like, if he had been stronger or if he had seen Akira he could've stopped it. But the loudest thought he had was if she had never loved him, she would've never risked her life for him and he blamed himself for that. It was his fault she was there.

He almost lost her, she was everything he had. It was her that salvaged what little childhood he had, it was her that liberated them from their tyrant parents, it was her who showed him that family was capable of love, and it was that same familial love that landed her on her death bed.

He took her cold hand in his and pressed it to his lips, leaving a lingering kiss on it as the tears began to stream down his eyes. She wouldn't want him to be here sulking around, especially with their friends in hospital beds as well. She would want him to check on them atleast.

He got up and went to check on Eli, his joints popping a bit as he finally stood after hours of sitting, his hair and body was still a mess and he needed a shower as well.

Mr. Donia was sitting by Eli's bed, and the sadness rolled off him in waves and it only made Ethan want to cry again, but he'd cried enough for today, he'd have to wait until it was night to continue.

"Any changes sir?" Mr. Donia looked up, his eyes slightly red with bags below them.

"No, nothing. He still can't even breathe on his own."

Ethan remained silent, there was nothing he could say. He didn't know much about what happened on A-floor but from the bits he heard apparently Akira and Mr. Spear had been in cahoots with unknown outsiders.

"I have to go and have a talk with the wards." Ethan nodded and moved to let the teacher pass then took the seat by Eli, sighing loudly as he did so.

Nobody knew why they had invaded the Academy and it was just a confusing situation for those who didn't know of Aurum's existence.

Ethan decided to go check on Javier and see how he was holding up, so he got up from chair he had occupied and went to the room right across from Eli's, at Javier's request no doubt.

"How is he? Any changes? Is he awake?"

"Calm down. No changes at all." The hope in Javier's eyes faded a little bit with the reply from Ethan.

"He'll be fine."

Javier tried to sit up and a sharp pain struck his back and he gave up on trying any movements right now.

"I want to see him."

"Neither of you can move so suck it up." Javier's eyes flared, anger the prominent feature on his face now.

"What's your problem!?"

"Are you forgetting my sister is on her death bed and there's nothing I can do about it!?" Javier recoiled slightly at Ethan's tone, he hadn't been thinking of anyone but Eli, he was being a bad friend.

"I'm sorry. Fuck, how'd this all happen so quickly? How is she?"

Ethan's mouth ran dry at the thought of his sister. "She's s-still-"

A sob was climbing up his throat so he stopped trying to talk and took a seat beside Javier.  "She'll be fine, she's strong Ethan."

Ethan mindless nodded along as Javier wrapped his arms around him, providing his friend a little comfort, heavens knew he needed it.

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