chapter three

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That kind of meetings wasn't so rare anymore. It didn't become regular since they were happening once in a few days or weeks, but Regulus and Ariel surely had been meeting late at night a lot, in the warm common room, getting to know each other and discussing lots of topics. Sometimes even waiting for each other after patrolling. A few rarer times Ariel came in very late from the dorms. And Regulus would still be waiting for him. He never asked the reason for his lateness, he could guess by the look on his face.

Ariel unexpectedly had a high esteem of himself, was even narcissistic sometimes, which was common for his family, or any pureblood family, not that he would boast openly, but he did consider himself and others superior by having a high intellectual level. Those people would include his brother Lucius, his father Abraxas, probably Narcissa as well, obviously the Dark Lord and maybe some of his teachers and classmates. And happily, he felt like he found an equal in Regulus.

Narcissa had often told him what a great young wizard was his cousin Regulus, stating he was so smart for his age, always got the best grades and such. It of course made Ariel interested in the boy, even before getting to know him. And he wasn't disappointed at all. In fact he was even impressed to discover what potential hid in Regulus whether it was as a powerful wizard or as an intelligent person. He truly enjoyed listening to his opinion on different subjects, which would most often correspond to Ariel's but hearing him formulate his arguments made it so much more entertaining. And he had taken a liking in listening to his voice, that was also true.

One day, Ariel even decided to express his great satisfaction of having discovered such an interesting person in Regulus to Narcissa. Those two were so close, sending each other letters from time to time wasn't uncommon. He would usually update her on Hogwarts life ever since she had graduated or tell her some personal stuff but never had he ever openly showed such interest in one single person.

'Dear Narcissa,

I hope you have been doing well. Everything has been going fine for me ever since I came back to Hogwarts. Recently we, sixth-year students, have been learning how to Apparate. I have been praised for quickly managing to do it. It is without doubt that I will Apparate to your house whenever I get out of school for summer break.

This topic is not actually what I have been intending on talking about. The reason for my letter is your young cousin, Regulus. Ever since you introduced us, we have grown close to each other. I regret not going to him the first time you mentioned him. This boy was a real surprise I must say. I found in him such an intelligent, interesting and even entertaining person, something I had found in no one before, except in you obviously, and I do like you very much too do not worry.

Such an exceptional person is bound to do great things, I am sure, and I cannot wait to be the first to witness those.

Say hello to Lucius, Mother and Father for me.

Stay safe,

Ariel Orson Malfoy'

That night was yet another night of Regulus and Ariel discussing together. Some nights, like that night, when it wasn't very late yet and some people would still be around, the topic was rather light.

"Are you attending Slug Club tomorrow? I don't remember seeing you before," murmured Regulus, slightly amused.

Ariel caught his grin, and obviously couldn't hold back his own. "I admit I've been skipping this year even though I still get invitations. I endured enough last year. It was too boring for me to come back this year. But I'll be waiting for you after if that's what you want..."

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