chapter twenty-three

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After dressing up a little, both boys made their way to the bathroom, one floor down. The house was so quiet at this late hour, they appreciated the calm. Ariel let Regulus discard his clothes while he ran the bath, making it magically full and bubbly in an instant. They then hopped into the tub. It was so warm they relaxed so quickly. Especially Regulus who was in need of this. Using some shampoo the blond boy started by massaging the other boy's scalp. He loved taking care of him without a doubt and the younger boy secretly adored this. He smiled and hummed lightly in appreciation, making Ariel smile as well. He then started washing his body. It felt so familiar to caress him this way and Regulus always loved sensing his touch. And when he was done, he let his hands glide on his torso before bringing him closer to hug him. His chest was against his back while he let his forehead fall on his shoulder. And they stayed like this for a while. The moment was relaxing, they loved this. No word was exchanged, only each other's proximity felt necessary.

The holidays came to an end way too quickly. Ariel realized he was now starting his last six months of school. His last months as a boy, the last months he could enjoy with Regulus before growing up. These thoughts were making him gloomy on this start of the new year. He hoped 1978 wouldn't drown in negativity but he doubted that.

The separation with Regulus was already something he had a hard time dealing with. They would rarely see each other between classes. They even found it difficult to meet for the younger boy's birthday. Because both were being busier now. Especially Ariel with his seventh-year schedule, more homework, more essays, more complexed classes as N.E.W.Ts were approaching. He was getting annoyed with his studies, it had never really interested him in the first place, he only did it for a "promising career" like his father and brother would say.

He missed his late night chats with Regulus, he missed his presence, he missed everything about him. Regulus appeared like his usual self but he felt the same. Giving each other smiles, or squeezing each other's hand under the table at dinner wasn't enough anymore.

One night, as Regulus was coming late from his patrolling session, Ariel waited for him in the common room. For once he decided to not imprison himself in his bedroom to complete whatever essay he had to do. And so he went to the common room to read a book.

"Hi Ariel," lightly said Ivanna as she came up to him.

"Hello Ivanna. Had a good patrol?" politely asked Ariel, looking up from the book he was reading.

The girl shrugged and started laughing. Ariel could see Regulus approaching from the corner of his eye. "You know, your little friend there isn't the most talkative so."

Ariel let out a small chuckle at this. "I know that very well."

"You're the only one who manages to get more than two words out of him."

"Surely yes, but among us, I'm still the one who talks the most."

"I have no doubt about this!" she laughed. "Well, I might say goodbye now," she quickly added as she noticed Regulus standing at the opposite side of the sofa where Ariel was sitting on, chatting with her.

"It's rather late yeah. Have a good night Ivanna," said smiling the older boy.

"You too," she answered, offering him a huge smile.

She glanced up at Regulus on her way to the dorm and quickly disappeared.

"She's annoying," grunted Regulus as he finally sat down.

"She's fun," he retorted. 

"I know in your eyes she's the least boring girl but not for me."


"You clearly don't spend all your classes in her company..." groaned again the young boy before falling quiet, realizing Ariel didn't even seem interested in talking about Ivanna Flint.

In fact, the older boy looked very much entertained by the book he was reading.

"What are you reading?" finally asked Regulus as he watched Ariel from the side.

The blond boy stopped reading to look up at the male by his side. "Poems."

"Poems?" repeated the boy, feeling a mix of surprise and confusion. He knew Ariel loved reading books about magic and especially dark magic so he wasn't expecting such answer from him.

"Yes. Do you want me to read one to you?" asked Ariel, his bright blue eyes where the fire reflected itself into, intently staring at him. And the boy nodded.

The blond boy looked into his book, searching for the right poem to read, and when he found it, he glanced up at Regulus again before he started to read out loud.

"i carry your heart with me (i carry it in)

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)

 i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you...

As he read, Regulus felt hypnotized. By the words, by the tone of his voice so deep but so soft at the same time, by the way he spoke so clearly each one of these words as well. He observed as Ariel looked up at him, straight in the eyes, from time to time while reading.

" is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)."

And when he finished, Regulus felt at loss for words. Ariel fixed him, as if expecting some answer from him. But Regulus couldn't utter a word, only his grey eyes seemed to be able to voice out his emotions. His rosy lips were parted as if he wanted to say something and the blond boy stared at them, not knowing what he desired from these daring lips. And Regulus really wanted to say something but it was like the words had been stuck in his throat, choking him the more he tried to let them out. The need to express his emotions felt too strong at some point that he had no other option than to use gestures. And these lips finally spoke with touch and Ariel finally got what he had been waiting for. The two just kissed with passion, like nothing else mattered, and it was needed. The raven-haired male felt like like he was able to breathe again as he managed to pour his feelings into the kiss. And Ariel felt everything. It was the answer to the words he had just told him. He absorbed the feelings and let his own blossom into his chest.

In the meantime, Regulus' body ended up moving, taking a seat onto Ariel's lap. The older boy had his hands placed delicately onto his hot cheeks, bringing him down and being sure they stayed close to each other. And Regulus loved that. He loved it just as much when the boy's arms went to circle his waist or when his hands glide under his clothes to caress his soft skin. He loved everything that came from him and not only in that moment but in every moment. He let his own arms wrap around his neck, his hold so tight because he wanted him closer and Ariel loved the force he put in his gestures. They felt like they wouldn't be able to detach themselves as they needed to express more clearly their unsaid feelings for once. And again that night, Ariel made Regulus forget everything.

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