chapter thirty-nine

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Regulus found out that life at Ariel and Daisy's home wasn't so bad. The food was good thanks to their new house elf, the decoration - of course chosen by Daisy since she wouldn't let Ariel have a word on that - was simple but elegant. And they had intimacy.

After visiting the house, Ariel, Regulus and Daisy, sat down in the living-room for what they called a meeting.

"Here's what I found. I focused my research on the precious objects in Magic but this object could be precious only for You-Know-Who and not for others. And I guess Kreacher still doesn't remember what kind of object it was..." She gave them her notes and observed Regulus who was looking at her strangely. "What do you want? I'm on your side okay. I don't care about what could happen to the Dark Lord but I want to live a peaceful life with my boyfriend, that's also why I'm doing that. In case there's a way to bring him down."

The boy didn't answer and diverted his grey eyes to look at the notes. "He just doesn't know you Daisy... Reg, don't forget that you'll spend more time here than in your house for the next days, so be kinder to Daisy," said the boy in scolding manner that made the youngest groan in annoyance and the girl smirk.

"And don't forget you're in my house here," said smugly Daisy.

"I thought you said I could feel at home and it was also my house," replied the boy, smirking as well.

She glared at him and before saying anything Ariel said sternly, "Stop bickering you two, that's childish."

"Don't act like you're all grown-up," she scoffed.

"Yeah. You're the most immature one among us," rejoined Regulus.

The blond boy sighed at their words and muttered a light 'nonsense'.

They spent the next days working, investigating, looking for clues. Separately or all together but most often spending their time in common. This brought them closer. Especially Regulus and Daisy which was unexpected. She told Ariel she was an only-child and wished many times that she could have had a younger sibling, and so she inevitably took a liking in Regulus. They impressed each other as well. Though younger, Regulus was unexpectedly the smartest of them all. And Regulus who had had a bad impression from Daisy from the beginning, found out that she wasn't like the stupid girls in his house. She was wise and sly, a good Slytherin, he thought.

Their research wasn't advancing much unfortunately but they wouldn't give up. Every day they read and reread tons of books. Sometimes Ariel and Regulus would go out to visit Knockturn Alley and buy darker and darker books, expecting to find an answer or at least thinking of more theories. And one day, as Regulus was reading one of the most-recently-bought books, he came across a word he had never seen before.

"Ariel, have you ever heard about Horcruxes?"

It was nighttime, they were in Ariel's room which was now their room. The blond boy was sitting at his desk, fighting off fatigue and writing down some notes while the other boy was in bed, reading.

"Horcruxes? I think I did. Let me find the book again," he said, looking through the pile of books by his side.

"Wait, there's a description. It says that it's for the wizards who are willing to separate their soul in two. You have to execute the worst act to exist... That sounds awful."

"What's the purpose of doing that... if your body dies, your soul doesn't, it still lives on but what the point if you have no body..." he murmured sleepily, trying to comprehend the purpose of this act.

"That's what the Dark Lord must be doing then!" exclaimed Regulus when the realization hit him. "You know how he's obsessed with staying out of conflict, ruling the world in the future, and also his obsession with his looks. He doesn't want to get old and to die, he wants to rule the world forever..." he finished his sentence in a much quieter voice. It sounded unreal yet at the same time it was the theory that made the most sense.

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