Chapter 97

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Darbie P.O.V
I took a drive to get away from everyone before i made someone else lose their mind..I have no idea where i'm goin i'm just letting my mind take me somewhere..
15 mins later on the road i start seeing familiar things when i was young the turns the trees the church that i sat in crying my eyes out begging for her to come back...
I end up at the cemetery where my mom is buried..
I transformed and hid behind the trees to see if any human was out..when i realized the coast is clear i walked out to my mothers grave and i just sat there...looking at the headstone where it has my mother's name her birth and her death..
with the storm blowing in the wind was picking up and clouds were rolling in...i looked at my mothers grave and started talking to her maybe she will give me answers
Darbie:Why am i here? What did i do to be put in such situations? I don't know what i'm gonna do me please...You knew about transformers mom but you never mentioned it and now i understand why because as soon you know the existence it feels like you will go extinct...Was there a reason why you wanted me here? i mean i know you can see me look at me! i'm one of them now and i so happen married to the monster that everyone wants dead! while his brother is trying so hard expressing his feelings to me. of course i feel the same way mom but i can't do that not to optimus..i mean as soon everyone knows every enemy will come after us and i'll be a target and so will's not a good idea mom..i just wish you were here giving me pointers relationship advices mom...
i began to cry and look at the sky like shes up there watching me
Darbie:Then theres bumblebee i don't know how to feel about him...he's like i don't know minute i don't know how to feel mom..he makes me feel better when i'm sad makes me laugh takes me out when i need to get out of that stupid base! but we always got in to trouble every time though...and him and Optimus judge! there's this one decepticon who is good inside just had to be who someone wanted him to be not who he wanted to be...he deserves so much better but someone had to brainwash him and now he doesn't even remember the things he said to me he doesn't remember the love that we had between us and now he hates me he wants me dead mom!
i start to cry even more....
it started thundering and lighting and i guess it was my clue to go on back...
Darbie:I love you mom..why did you have to leave me?...i need you here alive..i need my mom...i need the talks about boys...i can't do this on my own anymore! i need you more than please watch over me and the ones i love...i feel like another storm is gonna come and i feel like someone is gonna get hurt or even die...and please don't let it be someone i love and care about the most mom! please mom don't let it be anybody at the base..i hate that i'm caught in this war and i'm in the middle of it! the whole damn thing!! i hate it!!! is this your plan to get me to be in something i don't? or is there a purpose behind all of this mom! give me a sign mom please!! because right now i want to run away and never show my face back at the base ever again!!! what should i do mom!?
i start to sob on the ground and kept begging for her to answer me knowing i won't be able to here her voice or see her til later on in life...
then i heard a vehicle coming and i knew who it was just the sound of it..
Darbie:Well mom i have to go..i love you watch over me please...
i quickly transformed and hid and saw ironhide and james looking for me...
i quickly got out of there before they found me and i honestly just drove as fast as i can to get away from started thundering horribly and lighting was popping everywhere lighting up the dark i was watching it lighting i saw something in the air and realized it was the con warship so i quickly hid into the traffic and realized that they know what my automobile looks like..i need to change as i was passing car left and right i saw a jet black 320i BMW looks brand new and i liked it i mean i'm sure i can use that alto i'm bigger than arcee so i'm sure i'll fit fine..
i scan the car and started to transform and it fits me perfect and when i transformed back i looked better than before maybe nobody will realize it's me...
i went back on the road and see the con warship behind me still but yet i notice a yellow and black stripe Camaro behind me as well..
i went to drive a little faster so did he..
then we ended up on a private road and what was waiting for me on the other side was the big blue and red semi coming towards me and when he stopped he transformed and i slammed on breaks and seen the car behind me stopped and transformed as well
Optimus:Darbie stop running! you are not safe out here!
Bee:Darbie listen to me the con ship is onto you! and if they get you you'll be in the hands of that monster!
i sat there trying to ignore there ways on how to get me back at the base
then i see Ironhide breakdown bulkhead and smokescreen pulling up with james and Will getting out...
James:Darbie! Your mom needs you to come back with us please..Do you really want to be out here where megatron can get you!
i started revving my engine to block out their voices in my head
Breakdown:She's fixing to take off!
Bulkhead:And she's in a faster vehicle..BEE! SMOKESCREEN! GET READY FOR  A CHASE!
Optimus starts walking towards me i start backing away from him and he stops and bee walks forward trying to sneak up on me..
Darbie:Why do i need to go back to the base? when all i do is cause yall problems?? especially the leader himself am i right optimus prime????
everyone got quiet..
Ratchet:She's flipped her switch optimus!
Optimus:I know..
i heard ratchet comm linked optimus
Smokescreen:C'mon darbie let's not be too dramatic about this you know we need you your family! and family sticks together..
i transformed and seen all the guys looking at me while eyes big and mouth's gap a little i smirked and see optimus keeping a straight face like he should and bee in shocked..
Darbie:What's the matter you didn't expect to have the girl that was small and vulnerable right? that's what y'all see me as!
i walked up to bee
Darbie:Bee sweet oh boy but knows how to push someone's buttons
i pushed his mouth together pushing his face to the side walking to the other three
Darbie:Bulkhead Smokescreen and breakdown! bulkhead all you know how to do is crush things smokescreen no matter how hard you try to help someone it won't work and breakdown you still here im surprise you hadnt stabbed us in the back yet
i started laughing and then i seen ironhide with will and james
Darbie:Ironhide we know your bad you don't gotta show off and Will stop being something you're not and my cousin James aren't you so glad you brought me into this pathetic war!!! that i'm in the middle of!!
Optimus:Darbie! that is enough!
i stopped and looked at him and walked towards him
Darbie:Now you want to be the Prime? is this what it has to take for you to actually be a prime optimus? You know you were the strongest most bravest one here but now i enter your world your weak so maybe i should leave and everything will be like it was without me in it! Cant you see! I WEAKENED YOU!!
he pointed his gun at me..
Darbie:Go ahead..Shoot!
Optimus:Hold your fire! Darbie this isn't you!
i started giggling
Darbie:Your not you either
James:Look darbie let's all head back to the base and calm down and talk about this
Darbie:You know...i'm tired being captive and you know while i'm out..let's play a little game
i started smiling walking away from the others
Darbie:if you want me to come back so bad Come get me then!
I transformed and drove high speed to see Bumblebee and Smokescreen behind me
i thought to myself this shall be one hella chase..if they catch me

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