Chapter 79

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Bee P.O.V
Darbie's body was missing and I start to cry wishing this was all a nightmare and that darbie was in my arms right now alive...
Ironhide:C'mon Bee..darbie is with the all spark now..
he tried to pull me away from the spot that she used to lay at..
I heard this laugh and i looked around to see who was laughing and i see that we are surrounded by Decepticons..
Starscream:It's a shame what this pathetic femme did to y'all! She made y'all weak and vulnerable!
Wheeljack:Your one to talk! Every chance we get close to you! You take off screaming like a little femme!
Starscream didn't like what Wheeljack said
he growled and order the decepticons to attack us
I looked around and see that we were out number and that we need help but the help i need is..darbie..
Bulkhead:Ironhide! your right!
I saw Ironhide and bulkhead tag teaming it..
Wheeljack came running up to me and was trying to help me get up but the truth is i didn't want to get up..i want them to beat me up until i'm blue and black..i wanted to die!
Wheeljack:Bumblebee get up!
He grabbed my arm and started tugging on me
Bee:Leave me! i want to die!
Wheeljack:Oh hell no!
Wheeljack slammed his fist near my face
Wheeljack:Darbie wouldn't want you to be acting like this! She would want you to be strong and fight for this planet! this is her planet Bee! this is her home! protect it! do this for darbie!
I laid there and close my eyes and saw darbie inches to my lips and how we were so closed to kissing each other...
I heard something tackle Wheeljack and it was Starscream...
Wheeljack P.O.V
As i was trying to knock some sense to Bee i got tackled by Starscream
I kicked him off of me and we were having a stand off
Wheeljack:Turns out i was haven't ran yet!
Starscream:Haha! i won't be the one that will be and your autobot friends will all be running after im done with you!
I ran towards Starscream and we fought and he kicked and punched and i kicked and punched and we tackled back in forth..
Starscream:Do you really think you will win this war!
He punched me and making me fall to the ground and he begin to kick the crap out of me..making it hard for me to get up..
Wheeljack:Looks like your trying to change the subject on the fighting huh?
I grabbed his leg and took him underneath his legs and watched him hit his head on the floor and i grabbed his legs and started spinning him and i let him go and he went flying and hit the wall and it knocked him out..
I went back to bumblebee and see that he's gone..
I saw Starscream getting up and he shot me in the side making me fall to the ground in pain..
he came to me and put his foot on me and he target his gun at my head
Starscream:Now what did you say about me? hmm?? that's right! I scream and run every time one of you pathetic autobots get close to me!
I looked at the battle that was going on around me and saw everyone fighting and i looked at the gun that is fixing to end me right there and i only thought about arcee and my sparkling..this is the end
Starscream:Except you're going to be the one screaming!
i heard his gun load and then..
I heard Bees voice and the next thing you know Starscream was screaming and running away from Bee
Bee:Looks like Wheeljack was right! You do scream and run when the big bad wolf is after you!
Bee grabbed his wing and ripped it and through him out of the ship i could hear his screams as he fall to the ground without being able to fly..
Bee:Get ya ass up!
Bee came over and handed me his hand and helped me up
Wheeljack:Looks like i got the old bee back huh?
He slapped my head
Wheeljack:OWWW! Do you not see i'm injured!!
He laughed
Bee comn-linked Ratchet and Ratchet came as quick as he could to help me..
As I was getting bandage up I looked around and saw that most of the decepticons are dead or they chicken out and left..
Bee P.O.V
It was quiet until i heard Optimus and Megatron yelling...
I ran to the commotion and when i got there..
My spark stopped..My spark shatter..My spark wasn't there anymore..My spark was feeling all of the emotions that there could be in the world..
The rest came up behind me and saw what i was seeing so i know i was not dreaming any of this...
Ironhide:It can't be..
Bulkhead:Are you guys seeing this too?..
Wheeljack:Of course we are!..Bee are you-..
i cut him off..
Darbie she's alive...and she was kissing Optimus...
Breakdown P.O.V
Arcee was holding her sparkling as it was sleeping and i know she was going to be amazing mother..
Breakdown:Congrats once again..
Arcee looks at me and she smiles and then her smile goes away..
Arcee:I'm sorry you had to find out like this..
I really didn't pay any attention to my feelings about this until now..
Breakdown:Don't worry about it..i just want you happy and now your going to be amazing mom! but...I just want you to know something..
I'm fixing to tell this women something that i'm probably gonna regret..
Breakdown:I love you..i love you too much..and if Wheeljack is the one..then he's the one..but i swear to primus...if he hurts you or the sparkling i will kill him.
Her eyes widened
Arcee:Come here..
I got up and looked at her beautiful blue eyes
Arcee:Thank you..
She kisses me on the cheek and she asked me if i wanted to hold her sparkling and of course i turned it down but she gave me the look that i'm scared of so..
as i was holding him..i could see Wheeljack all over him..
Breakdown:What are you going to name him?..
Arcee:That..i don't know yet..
She watched me as i was holding him and she was smiling the whole time..
Breakdown:Why are you smiling?
Arcee:I hope you stay in his life..and mine..
I looked at her and realized what she was saying..
Breakdown:Look Arcee you know i don't belong there..
Arcee:That's what you think but i know! you do belong there!
Breakdown:I can't just leave...
I paused
Arcee:Can't leave who?
Oh my primus! Where is Knockout!!??

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