Chapter 31

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Darbie P.O.V
I wake up with Ratchet flashlight in my eyes blinding me
Darbie:Ratchet your blinding me..
Ratchet:Oh! Your awake!
Darbie:How long have I been out..hold up what happened?
Ratchet:Well let's get kidnap by the Decepticons and you got knocked out because we came in and saved you and now your here confused..what a-
He gets cut off by Optimus
Optimus:Can me and Darbie talk privately?
He gave me this look like if this whole damn thing is my fault and looked back at Optimus
Ratchet:I will be outside..
Optimus came forward and sat next to me..
Optimus:Did they hurt you? Or anything?
Darbie:What?! No!
Optimus:Okay...just making sure..
He put his hand down on mine..
Optimus:Darbie..I think it's time for you to start training?
Darbie:For what?
Optimus:A Worrier
Optimus:Yes! So that way if you ever get in a dangerous spot you can kick their butts!
He laughs..I never heard him laugh before..
Darbie:Thanks Optimus!
He smiles at me..
Then he just went back..that smile was gone and he just takes his hand off and stands up and goes to the door
Optimus:Youll be the best femme in the autobots Darbie..
And walks out..and I'm so confused about what happened to's like he's too scared to get close to someone..
I get up and stretch and I felt someone eyes on me the whole time..
WheelJack P.O.V
I was just walking by and I see Darbie stretching and damn! Didn't it look sexy! She was bend over and going side to side and I couldn't help but watch...then she popped up and saw me and she waved at me to come here..uh oh..
WheelJack:Oh hey Darbie..
Darbie:Were you watching me? see..hehe
I was blushing and I didn't know what to say..
She just bust out laughing
Darbie:Stop checking me out when I stretch out!
WheelJack:I know! It's just so hard to no-
I get cut off by her swinging her feet underneath me and making me fall to the ground and landing on my ass!
WheelJack:What the hell! it again..
She was standing tall over me laughing while I was on the ground in pain
WheelJack:Okay Okay! Now help me up!
She helped me up and she gave me a hug and told me she was sorry for doing that while she was laughing and she told me how Optimus told her that she was gonna start training and I was happy for her but yet again worried about her..
Bee P.O.V
I am looking for Darbie..where is She!!! I looked everywhere and she's no where! Until I see her talking to WheelJack about how SHES GONNA START TRAINING TO BE A WARRIOR!!!!
Bee:Excuse me Darbie..but warrior??
She looked at me
Darbie:Yea..Optimus said I can start training so..
My energon was boiling! He knows Darbie can't go back out there!! Decepticons are after her! Primus! Help me!!
Darbie:You okay bee?
She put a hand on my shoulder
I yelled as they stood back
Darbie:Bee?..what's wrong?
WheelJack:I'm just gonna go Darbie?..
WheelJack quickly goes in the other room
Bee:No! You don't need to be warrior!
Darbie:Excuse me?
Bee:You heard me!
Darbie:Why! Bee!!
Bee:Because the Decepticons will get you and hurt you!
Darbie:Bee! The Decepticons didn't hurt me!
Bee:But they will! When they get you again!!!
Darbie:They won't Because I'll be training to defend myself!
Bee:No! Darbie! You can learn all you want but you sure ain't going out there again!
Darbie:Yes I will! Optimus said so!
Bee:Because he
I stopped before I could finish it
Bee:All I know Is Darbie your not going out there again!
I left the room knowing I probably hurt her but I won't my angel safe..and not in the devils hand the whole time...
I walked out and saw Optimus
Bee:Why did you tell Darbie she can start training!?
He turned around
Optimus:Well do you want her to stay here for the rest of her life and let her be sad and miserable??
Optimus:Then the only way and safest was to train her for self defense and let her go places!
Bee:What if she gets caught by the Decepticons?
Optimus:She won't!
That's it!
Bee:Look Optimus! I know you have something for her! Hell we all know! And let me tell you something! I care about her safety and you want her out there with the Decepticons! It shows me who cares about her the most!
Optimus:It also shows me who actually cares about her safety and letting her be happy! Unlike you wanting her to be locked up!
I glared at him
Bee:Optimus...I'm not gonna make her choose but if it has to come to that point...
Optimus:Who said anything about choosing..
Bee:All I'm saying is Optimus..she is my Angel and if something happens to her..I will be coming for you!
I walked out...and saw Darbie talking to Ratchet about something..
Optimus P.O.V
Bee thinks that he cares about Darbie more but I'm doing this because I want my sweet spark happy and have away of fighting back and be free to go places instead of being useless and sad and being held hostage in this place...I walked back in and see her talking to Ratchet..I think Ratchet was gonna start teaching her tomorrow..she looks at me and she smiles at me and I saw bee on the other side and she looked at him and looked away back at me...
I look at Bee and Bee looks at me...we make eye contact..I can see it in his eyes that he's not giving her up...and I feel like I'm gonna lose her...but yet first love...died because of me...Maybe it's a good thing she may go with Bee..but yet I don't want her to go with him..I want her..
As I walked past her she calls my name..
And I turned around to see her..
She gave me this hug..and I felt warm and loved that same feeling when...
I pull away and smiled and walked away...
Primus..I love her..but I can't let her be the weakness to my spark..

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