Chapter 47

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Megatron P.O.V
Megatron:Starscream! Is everybody ready?
Starscream:Yes Master.
I watched as Starscream got the Decepticons to follow him to the battlefield..
It's finally time my precious will be by my side..and you will watch how I will bring Optimus down..
James P.O.V
Me and Will were out to pick some things up for the base and I just had a really bad feeling about today for some reason..I was ready to get back to the base
James:Geez! How much stuff do you need?!
Will:Hey! If you're the only one that cooks around here you'll understand!
I laughed..but as soon I did I felt some rumbling noises coming from outside the store I went to look at the window and saw rows of cars racing towards the city..must be street racers
Will:Now! We can leave!
He payed for the stuff he needed and we both headed out to Ironhide
Ironhide:Damn Will how much did you need?
Will:Oh shut up!
He laughed
James:Hey Ironhide did you see those cars that came flying by?
I don't want him to worry about my stupid thoughts
James:Just asking..
We got in the truck and started headed back..
Will:James? Are you okay?
I wasn't paying any attention to him..for some reason I feel like I might lose someone..then all of sudden Ironhide hits the brake as hard as he can..waking me up from my thoughts
James:We need to get back to the base now!
Then I saw him..Megatron! I pointed it out
Ironhide speed his way back to the base as soon we get there I tell Will to get suited up and tell the others too
I got my men and Will to get to the city to get people out of any buildings and take them away from the city
Ironhide P.O.V
As soon I spotted Megatron
I knew what was going to happen today
I race back to the base and ran to Optimus
Optimus:Autobots! Get ready!
I got my guns and equipment ready for whatever might come...
Bulkhead P.O.V
What about she going to the battlefield? I mean I think she should because she done beat me up every time I wrestle with her..
Bulkhead:Optimus is Darbie coming?
Bulkhead:I think she deserves to go..
I ran to tell Darbie to get ready for battle and boy wasn't she excited
Optimus P.O.V
I don't like this feeling I have..every since last night and this morning..I've been laid up in the bed with Darbie holding her while she sleeps in my arms..I finally think I won her over but now I'm letting her go into battle..what if..nah! It won't happen! She can do it!
I saw her come out and she was already for battle..
Darbie:Are we ready?
I couldn't help but stare at her
Optimus:Uhh..Yes! Autobots Rol-
Bee:Wait! Darbie your coming?
Bee gives me a look and I give one back
Bee:Just stay close okay?
Darbie doesn't answer..she's still upset about Bee and Arcee
Optimus:Darbie please stay close and Autobots ROLL OUT!
We transformed and head out to find the Decepticons..
I was the last one out of the base and I had my eyes on Darbie the whole time and I know Bee did too..
Does he think I'm gonna let something happen to her..
Optimus:Darbie No!!
Megatron hits this button and a strong beam came straight down on her
When I ran to her...there was just this lifeless femme on the ground where Darbie was..
~Flashback Ended~
Oh Primus! What am i doing!
As soon we got to where our signal started going off we all transformed and I just look at Darbie and I walked up to her and grabbed her shoulders
Optimus:Darbie you have to go back to the base !
Darbie:What why?!
Optimus:Darbie Just liste-
I get cut off by Megatron who just has landed with his Decepticons behind him
I quickly pulled Darbie behind me
Megatron P.O.V
Our plan is going well
They brought Darbie and I saw Optimus yelling at Darbie to go back to the base but I landed just in time
I saw my pathetic brother hide her from me
Megatron:Well well look who decided to come and join the fight..
Optimus:Don't touch her!
Megatron:Why? I mean think of this brother! She is my queen after all!
Optimus:She is not! Your queen
I laugh
Starscream:So you think you can have her?
Optimus doesn't say a word
Megatron:My poor pathetic brother has fallen for her
I start chuckle more because I'm about to take her away from him
Bee:No! He doesn't!
Well well ain't it Bee! Bee has something for her as well
Knockout:Oh so do you bee?
Knockout starts to speak to Bee..
I see Darbie move away from Optimus..
Darbie:They don't have any feelings for me Megatron! Now why won't you just take your ass back to wherever you came from!
I saw the figures on her when she showed herself and I'm going to enjoy every bit of her!
Megatron:Well well Darbie..the femme that looks like the lost dead lover..
I looked at Optimus I see his fist getting tight
Darbie:I may look like her but I'm not her that so just go back wherever you came from and we won't have to fight..
Megatron:You see I came by to pick something up and that something is you!
I charge at her and Optimus pulled her away and I tackled him instead of Darbie
Darbie P.O.V
I was getting tired of his talk about how I look like Elita so I interrupt his conversation and it didn't go to well
I thought I was about to get tackle but Optimus moved me so he can get take my place instead
The rest of the Decepticons started to attack us and that's when I started kicking their asses
Me and Ironhide were teaming up on kicking their asses together
Ironhide:Darbie heads up!
Ironhide through one up in the air and I started shooting at it
Darbie:Deader than hell!
Ironhide started laughing until he got whacked in the head by Breakdown
Breakdown P.O.V
I saw Darbie and Ironhide killing the useless Decepticons and I thought they needed some more competition so I whacked Ironhide and he went flying
Breakdown:I figured y'all needed some good competition
Darbie:Is that so!
Without any warning I get whacked in the head with her fist
Darbie:You still want that competition?
I was running right for her then Ironhide tackles me
Ironhide:I call dips on killing Breakdown!
Breakdown:Get off of me!
Ironhide started punching me until I kicked him off of me
Breakdown:This is gonna be fun!
Knockout P.O.V
As soon everybody started charging I took off after Darbie before Megatron could get her
I saw how her and Ironhide were fighting off the others until I saw breakdown coming..after Ironhide tackles Breakdown..Darbie took off and I followed her
Where is she going? I lost her when she went behind the corner..
Where did she go
All of sudden I get kicked
Darbie:Knockout? You must really like to stalk me
She grins at me
Knockout:Darbie I don't want to fight 
She loosens up a little bit
Darbie:That's what they all say
She starts swinging and I dodge it every time until I turned around until I managed to wrap her arms and hold her against my chest and I got the medicine to knock her out and she shook it off and started swinging do
Knockout:You'll see when you wake up!
I went to grab her before she fell to the ground and took her away from the battle and took her to my secret hideout where nobody will find us...anybody! It will just be me and her forever!

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