Chapter 51

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Knockout P.O.V
I was watching Darbie and she was sleeping on the floor..I wasn't going to let her sleep like that in the first place and I know she was going to fight me and so I let her think she won that argument but as soon she goes to sleep tonight I will put her in my bed and that's what I did I lay her down and  I lay right beside her and watched her sleep and I closed my eyes for a minute and I heard her crying and I woke up to see if she was okay and she was crying in her sleep tossing and turning..I tried to wake her up but she wasn't waking up..
She wakes up breathing hard
Knockout:I wasn't going to let you sleep on the floor Darbie!
Darbie:I told you NO!!
If I'm going to win Darbie's spark then I need to respect her..
Knockout:FINE! I'll sleep in the other room!
Darbie:What! No this is your bed!
Knockout:I said! Sleep here!
She stood down she looked scared
I cupped her cheek told her goodnight and left the room
Primus what am I can I win her spark!?
Darbie P.O.V
I woke up and left the room to look around maybe to find a escape route and I saw knockout asleep on the couch I was being very quite to not wake him up..I finally found a way out but something stopped me..I looked behind me and I saw a picture of me..or I think it's me I looked at it and I heard knockout walking behind me..
Knockout:That's Elita..
Darbie:Why do I look like her?
Knockout:That's what im trying to figure out..
I just realized something about knockout...
Darbie:So you don't know why?
Knockout:No even though I'm the one who..
He stopped and started laughing
Knockout:That...that started to investigate! Thats the word..
He's hiding something..
I was staring at the picture again and I put it back
Knockout:What happened last night?
Darbie:What do you mean?
Knockout:Last night you were crying and tossing and turning and I tried to wake you up and you finally woke up after I screamed at you
I just looked down..I want to tell someone about these dreams..but I'm not sure if I can trust him
Darbie:As much I want to tell you I don't trust you
He put his hand against the wall smiling
Knockout:You can trust me I promis—
The wall that knockout was leaning up against had rotted out and he fell through and I couldn't help but laugh and he started laughing too
Darbie:Are you okay?
I went to go check on him
Knockout:Yea I fine but my paint job is a mess!
Darbie:Right I forgot about your a freak about your paint job
Knockout:Thats the only thing that makes me happy
Darbie:I see..
I helped him up and checked the wall and saw that I can make escape and knockout saw it too..but he wasnt doing anything he just watched me
Knockout:If your gonna go..go then!
I started thinking about Elita how we are just identical and how shockwave turned me into this..
I turned back to see knockout was walking to his lab and I followed him..
I surprise him when I found him cleaning his paint job up
Knockout:You didn't leave!
Darbie:Okay! Look I'll stay and help you figure out whatever you gotta figure out about me and Elita but I want something in return..
Knockout:And what is that?
Darbie:I want revenge on Shockwave for turning me into this!
He looked shocked
Knockout:Okay deal!
We made ourselves a deal
James P.O.V
Darbie where are you! We need you here now!! Optimus is gonna make us too tired to even do anything the way he's going...I don't even know..
Will:Find anything?..
James:No..but if we don't find her soon the whole crew is gonna die of being so tired!
Will:I know...but we will find her
I was watching the Autobots fighting their sleep..
James:Where's Optimus?
Will pointed toward Ratchets medical center and I marched myself in there to have a talk with Optimus about the autobots but when I enter in there...Optimus eyes were purple again and Ratchet stoped me
Ratchet:Do not talk to him
James:Why? What's wrong with him?
Ratchet:I can't figure that out every since they took Darbie away he's been more aggressive than ever
James:Darbie..he fallen for her?
Ratchet:Im afraid so..
This is bad..
James:Do you think there will be another war?
Ratchet:I try to not think about that but as the things go by the minute I fear so..
I just look away and looked at Optimus and he was talking to himself..
Optimus:If I do no it might harm her..what I can't do that either!
He started punching the wall
Ratchet ran up to him and told him to calm down..
Ratchet:Optimus we will get her back..
Optimus:I know! But how?!?!
James:We will think of something...i promise..
He walked off still mumbling to himself
Ratchet:We are losing him James...
James:I know..
What are we gonna do?..

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