Chapter 22

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Ratchet P.O.V
It was fifteen minutes when I checked Darbie..I can't even turn my back on her without her spark dropping I finally gotten it to be stable and then I was reading the test and everything looked right but why is her spark decreasing every second! Then it started dropping quick and I comm-linked Optimus to tell him to get over here now!
Ratchet:C'mon Darbie!
I shocked her and nothing
I hear Bee punching the walls and screaming while I'm trying to safe Darbie!
C'mon Darbie!
I heard Optimus engine coming and I shocked Darbie again and nothing
Optimus comes running in with James behind him
James stops a soon he saw her..
I shocked her again and still no beat
Optimus:Keep trying Ratchet!!
Optimus:No! Keep Trying!!!
I sighed and shocked her again and nothing
I heard Bee screaming her name begging her to wake up..
Then I saw something that I haven't seen until that day on Cypertron...Optimus got on his knees and hold her hand
Optimus:Darbie..please...don't...leave me...
I saw James walking toward her...
James:C'mon little cuz..
I shocked her again...and still nothing
C'mon Darbie...we need you alive
Optimus P.O.V
No no no no!! Darbie can't die!!! I need her!!! No!!! As soon Ratchet comm-linked me I knew what it was..but hoping that it was that Darbie survived..I drove as quick as possible and I told James everything when I was speeding my way over here..
Flash back
Optimus:James Darbie is Transformer
Optimus:The Decepticons...they...I'm so sorry James I didn't protect her!'s not your fault...we need to hurry..
Flash back Ended
As soon I got to the base James jumped out and I Transformed and ran to the medical lab..I heard nothing but my spark...I saw Bee fighting the wall and Ironhide I saw Ratchet shocking Darbie I saw Darbie...she was so lifeless..
I got to my knees and held her hand and begged her to wake up...but nothing..I lay my head down as if I lost everything...and then I raised my head and looked at her..
Ratchet just looked at me
Optimus:TRY AGAIN!!
He sighed
Ratchet:Optimus...I'll try three more times...
I nodded
Ratchet:Optimus..if it doesn't have to let her go..
I looked at her and put her hand up to my face and prayed to Primus that she will wake up..
Bee P.O.V
I screamed! I yelled! I kicked! I punched!! All I could hear was the electric shock when Ratchet was shocking her trying to bring her back..
Ironhide:C'mon Bee..
Ironhide:Bee if you don't stop!
Bee:What?!?! Darbie...she's not dead she can't be..she can't
I feel light headed and my world went black
Darbie's P.O.V
After I saw Optimus and James everything went dark but Tailgate and Cliff were gone!!! I started running knowing I need to go back or wake up but how!!!
I then heard their voices
Fight it Darbie!! You have to go back
Darbie:But how!?!
Then this red door appeared but then this bright light showing Optimus...
Darbie...Ratchet is gonna give up on you on the third Shock!
Darbie:I want to go back!!!
Why am I still here!!!
I ran to the door and tried to open it but it wouldn't open...
Darbie you have to believe that your a transformer
Darbie:This is all a dream!!
I started pulling the door
Darbie believe it!!!!
I looked at the picture showing Ratchet shocking me and I felt something electric inside me
Darbie:What was that?
That's Ratchet trying to save you!
This is not a dream!!
She's starting to believe
The door started opening...
I looked at the picture and Ratchet shocked me again
Darbie!! This is the second time if you don't believe before he gets to the third you'll die!!!
Ratchet was about to shock me
Darbie:I believe!
The door open and I walked in and everything went black..
Ratchet P.O.V
I shocked her the last time..and still no spark beat...I looked at Optimus..he was spark broken...James was on the floor and the autobots were disappointed..I went to walk away and then I heard the machine spike...I ran to it and it was her SPARK!!!
James:Is she..
Ratchet:She's alive!!
Optimus looked up and let go of Darbie's hand and she grabbed his hand..
I went to listen for the beat and it was strong and beautiful..
Ratchet:Shes alive Optimus!
James ran out to the autobots and told everybody and they all cheered and some cried.. saved her..
I looked at her and realized what was next..
Optimus is in love with her...and Bee...and I'm just looking at her..and she can definitely cause more problems but what if she ends the war...but then yet again what if she starts another War...
Knockout P.O.V
Uhhh!!! I have to get my experiment!! But as you know the bot that put his head into this formula that took forever!! Doesn't get credit...Shockwave gets all the credit!! But he's experiment died and mined well it lived!! I will get her! No matter what! I will not change my mind either!!! Darbie you will be mine!!!!

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