Chapter 88

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Knockout P.O.V
I'm walking in the woods and it all seems familiar..then I heard something behind me
I turned around trying to find who was there but nobody was there everything looked like it was dying then I heard this voice calling my name I started running trying to find it but it just lead me to this shack that look really familiar as I got closer to it I hear more voices..
As I go inside it's just empty...where are the voices coming from..
I heard my name being called out
I looked and saw myself in the mirror I got close to it to admire myself but I realized the bot in the mirror wasn't coping my is this a mirror? I went to touch it but the bot that looked like me grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the mirror..i opened my eyes and saw I was back at the ship..
Everything looked fine but why is it so quiet
I walked to the lab and saw this femme playing with technology that I had I was about to say something but she turned around and I saw tears rolling down her eyes while she has bruises on her face..
I wanted to say something but nothing came out..she walked passed me and I followed her because I was curious she went to the throne room where Megatron is..
Megatron:My queen has finally come out
She walked passed him and didn't say a word
Megatron:You will speak to your king and your husband
He grabbed her forcefully and turned her towards him
She spit in his face and he only laughed
Then I heard the door behind me open
Starscream:My lord it seems we had no Autobot activity
I thought he was dead...
Megatron:Why you say that?
Starscream:We checked the database and nothing
Megatron looked back at the femme that I can not figure it out who
Megatron:Darbie you haven't had anything to do with this have you?!
Darbie?! What has he done to her!? I didn't even know that was her bc of all the bruises He grabbed her face and she didn't say a word
Megatron:Call him!
Call who?..
The doors open again and the bot I was looking was me!
I looked evil...
Megatron:Tell me did queen darbie get into the lab?
Darbie looked at me with pleading eyes asking him to not do it
Knockout:Yes she did! She erase everything!
Darbie started crying and yelling
Darbie:You idiots brainwashed him to hate me!
Brainwashed washed
Knockout:I didn't have to be brainwashed to hate you I already did when I laid my eyes on you! And besides they wouldn't do that to me!
I watched myself throw mean words at darbie and I watched her to breakdown and then I watch Megatron grab her by the throat and lifted her up and then threw her at the wall and I watch her cry in pain..What is going on! I can't watch this!
I started running but her screams were still in my head I could hear her cry in pain there was no escape of it! I could hear her cry my name out! I was running then I came to the mirror again and saw myself in it and it was me this time and everything was quiet..
Brainwashed?? They wouldn't do that..I mean the only bot I know who knows how to do that is shockwave..I looked at the mirror and saw that other side of me
He spoke to me I could hear him in my head telling me this is what I'm really am..face it knockout this is who your really are!
I kept shaking my head no this isn't me but I couldn't fight him he kept getting stronger as I kept fighting him..then I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes becoming more red that it had a hint of purple in them..I felt pain all over my body
I felt my spark stopped and when I looked at myself in the mirror I felt new..the new me the evil me..and I started laughing and I said to myself Welcome back Handsome
Shockwave P.O.V
I went to go check on knockout and when I open the door he was up making sure his paint job is finished the way he likes it..but he looked different..his eyes..were more purplish than they are red..
Knockout:Shockwave is there something I can help you?
Shockwave:I'm just checking on you..
He looked at me
Knockout:Ive never felt much alive! I will do anything just to hear them pathetic Autobots in pain
Shockwave:We couldn't hurt the Queen tho..
He looked down
Knockout:No that's Megatrons job to deal with her
I looked at him and I'm more worried about him after he said that..
He looked at me and walked up to me and smiled that only the devil himself would be smiling about
Knockout:I'm going to be the badass bit that I am and destroyed the autobots and if anyone gets in my way they will die with them!
I looked at him and he walked out and I watched him leave the room and walked down the hall and went to the lab..
I've created a monster..
This is the rebirth of a new evil knockout..that I raised to be...

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