Chapter 39

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Darbie P.O.V
I just got kissed by ANOTHER Decepticon!!! When I get home I need to wash my mouth twice!!
I hear Bees engine coming and I tried to hide but he already seen me..
Bee:Darbie!! Thank Primus your ALIFE!
Darbie:Of course..I mean I just came out to look at the stars and plus I got some training in..
I didn't tell him about knockout..
Bee:Uh you wanna hang out tonight and watch the stars..
Darbie:Umm..I would like to go check on everyone..
Bee:Oh! Everybody is fine!
For some reason I didn't believe so
He looked down and sighed
Bee:Yes Darbie
I gave him a relieve smile
Darbie:Then sure!
He smiled and took me to the top of the hill and I saw everything I saw the town with the glowing lights and the night sky. It was so beautiful
Bee P.O.V
When I get back to the base I see Optimus on a table and not sure what just happened
Bee:What happened?
Ironhide:I'm not sure..
WheelJack and Smokescreen come out running
Both:We can't find Darbie!
Bee:What do you mean you can't find Darbie?
Smokescreen:I checked everywhere but she's not here!
Ironhide:We'll find her! She's probably outside
Bee:I'll go out there and look for her
Ratchet:Shes outside..don't worry I have a tracker on her..
Everybody was relieved
Bee:I'll go bring her back..
Ratchet:Please hurry..
I left and went out on the road and started wondering what happened to Optimus..why was his eyes changing purple?..
I finally spotted Darbie and I finally felt relieved
I asked her if she wanted to stay out and watch the stars but she asked if everybody was okay and I told Yea but then she asked about Optimus and I really wanted to hang out with her and if I tell that Optimus is down then she'll be wanted to go back so I lied..I told her he was okay and he's really not okay..but I took her to the top of the hill and showed her the town of the magical lights that we call it and it made her eyes sparkle and her smile..was just beautiful
I wanted to tell her How I felt but I'm scared what if she doesn't like me like that what if I lose her..
Bee:Darbie..I..need to tell you something
She looked at me
Okay here it goes..
Bee:Darbie I..lov-
Ironhide:Have you found Darbie?
I get cut off by Ironhide calling me
Damn Ironhide
Ironhide:I need you to bring her back because at this rate Optimus has not woke up...
Darbie over heard
Darbie:What?!? You told me he was fine!
Bee:I'll be there in minute
i looked at Darbie and saw the sadness in her eyes
Darbie:You lied to me!
Bee:I did so you wouldn't have to worry..
She looked down
Darbie:No! I'm going back! You lied to me Bee! Why?! He's your leader!
Bee:Darbie! He's my..
Darbie:He's your what!?
Bee:Darbie! He loves you!
She stopped and her eyes widened..
Darbie:No..he can't he's a prime..
Doesn't mean he..I need to tell her that I love her!
Bee:Darbie! And I lied to you because..I love you
She looked at the ground..
Darbie:Bee..lets go to the base
Bee:Darbie understand me please! I love you! I want you! I don't want the leader of the bots to have you!
I understand what she meant when she yelled at me and when I looked at her eyes they were broken..they were filled with tears.
We transformed and drive back to the base and when we get there..she quickly transformed and ran to Ratchet
I walked slowly and WheelJack came up to me..
WheelJack:Alright buddy what happened out there? What took so long?
I looked at him know
WheelJack:Was it just you saying no it's not the right time or was it her turning you down?
He started giggling and I grabbed him and pushed him to the wall..
Bee:The reason why we were gone so long because I admitted to her that I have feelings for her and I told her Optimus did too..
WheelJack:You did what?!
WheelJack:Well knowing you I thought you done had her all over you out there..
I looked down
Bee:No..but I'm not giving up..I will have her
I walked away and saw Darbie in there with Optimus that is still asleep
I will have Darbie..Darbie you are mine! No matter what I will fight for you! I'll never will stop!

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