Chapter 72

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Darbie P.O.V
The doors open and i see everyone standing watching me and starring at me.. I look what was waiting for me on the alter and he only smiles evilly and it send chills up my back...I stood there thinking "What did I do to get myself into this?"
I started to walk down the aisle and the music was evil it felt like darkness was surrounding me trying to devour me..
As i get closer i start to cry and memories flooded my mind...
Tears ran down my face and i'm afraid they noticed as soon i reached to the alter
Megatron took my hand and smiled and came to my ear and whispered
Megatron:You are now mine..and if you get out of line just know you will be punished my queen
My heart race and i knew i was gonna be hurt everyday in my life..I couldn't see from the water that was escaping my eyes...
Shockwave:Today! Will change everything! Today! Will change everyone life's! Today our lord will rule over this pathetic planet and watch our enemies fall!
i zoned out while i was looking at the stairs and i spotted someone..but when i looked again it was gone..
Shockwave:Now! Let the ceremony begin!
I rather die than be here!!
Optimus P.O.V
I heard the music of the wedding begin and i tried to fight the chains but i couldn't break free...i failed to save sweetspark...I don't deserve to live!
I lay there thinking of her..
I should just die here...
I heard the doors open and i heard bees voice
Bee:Optimus! We need to go! Before it's too late
Optimus:It's already too late..,
Bee:What are you talking about!?
Optimus:Darbie will be dead before we reach her..Elita is planning on killing her as soon she says...
I stopped and i remember her angel voice..her smile
Bee:When she says I do..
My spark was sinking..
Knockout:Oh HELL no! You are not giving up now! Not when your this close!!
Knockout came over to unchained me and started pushing me..
Knockout:I have been here too long and i never wanted to be here and i always wanted to follow the prime that never quits and knows what's right! Also do you know how many stupid things i have done trying to save your ass!!
Optimus:I...failed her..
Knockout:No you didn't! I did! and look what i'm doing! I'm trying to save her!!
He looked at me..and i could see that Darbie did something to him..made him a better transformer..
Bee:If you don't get up and save her than i will!
Optimus:I only make it worse...
Bee:Fine!! That means i got the girl!
My energon was on fire and i got up and started running with knockout and bee following me i comn linked the autobots and told them that Elita was going to kill darbie and to do plan B
I pray to primus i making it in time!
Arcee P.O.V
I got to where i needed to be and i looked down and saw darbie..she was in pain her face was swollen from the tears..the dress that she was wearing was beautiful and it wasn't meant to be in this picture...this is all my fault..I did this to her...and i will make it up to her..
I heard someone trip across the stairs and saw Elita loading her gun aiming at Darbie...I started to get worry and i quickly ran over there sneakily and prayed i got to her before she pulled the trigger..
Megatron P.O.V
I looked at my queen and saw sadness and hatred against me and i loved it just made me smile even more!
Shockwave:I believe Megatron had something to say before we got to the i do's
Megatron:Oh yes!
i started laughing
Megatron:Darbie my Queen you are now mine! If someone else touches you he will die! If you fall in love with someone else you will watch them die! and of course my queen..We will have sparklings together!
Everyone started laughing while she started crying more..and i loved it!
Shockwave:Megatron do you take darbie to be your queen?
Megatron:I do!
Darbie P.O.V
Primus please send someone please!!
Shockwave:Darbie do you take Megatron to be your king? to be your husband? to be the father of your sparklings? To be your lord?
I looked at his face and his blood beating eyes stared into my soul like he owns it his pointed teeth were making me shiver his smile made me feel disgusted
I looked at the doors hoping someone will bust down and rescue me but both i looked at the crowd and back at Megatron
Megatron:Answer or he dies!
He threatened Knockouts life..and i just can't let him kill knockout..i don't know why exactly..
I looked to the sky and saw the stars and cried
I have no choice..

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