Chapter 65

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Darbie P.O.V
I woke up back in my cell and I was confused..I was trying to remember what happened last night...and it hit me..
Megatron kissed me and I was trying to get away but he pushed me up against the wall and looked at me in the eyes with just pure evil smiling back at me..
Megatron:Darbie we will be unstoppable!
I was scared..I felt my spark almost sinking into my stomach and I think he noticed because he gripped my hips tighter..
Darbie:Megatron..your hurting me!
He just stared at me for a minute
Megatron:Are you going to stand with me or be against me?
Darbie:I'll never be beside you Megatron!
He just smiled
Megatron:You see I knew you were gonna say that..
I looked at him confused..
Megatron:You see have a lot of friends and one of those is in my cell..
He let go of me and went to the camera he had and he showed me Knockout..laying there all beat up with cuts and bruises all over him!
Megatron:Do you not see his condition now Darbie? Do you want me to hurt him even more!!?? Do you want him to die!?
My spark was racing my breath
And he noticed
Megatron:Starscream!..send one of the Decepticons to our friend in the cell
I heard Megatron comn-linked Starscream and I heard Starscream say something but I couldn't hear what he said..
Megatron:Darbie come here!
I didn't listen he came up to me and grabbed my wrist with all the strength he had and it hurt like hell! He yanked me to the video camera where it showed knockout and one of the Decepticons coming in..
Decepticon:Get up you backstabber!
I watched how Knockout was struggling to get up and it just broke me..
He grabbed knockout by the throat
Decepticon:What do you want me to do with him?
Megatron:It depends on Darbie's answer!
Megatron looked at me and then back at the video camera when knockouts voice was trying to get to me..
Megatron:So what is it gonna be Darbie?! Be by my side while I take Optimus down! Or...
I heard knockout hiss in pain and it kept getting worse and worse!
Darbie:Why are you doing this!? I mean you have Elita! Get her to be by your side!
He started chuckling
Megatron:You see Darbie unlike Elita...she never made my pathetic brother weak...but made him so weak that he fell to his knees when...
He paused and had this smirk on his face
Megatron:When that backstabber turned you!
He shouted at me and I knew why he did that..he wanted Knockout to hear it he wanted to make him feel worse than he already feels...
Megatron:My brother is in love with you! And he wants me dead because I have his sweetspark right under me! He grabbed my hips and pulled me close to him and he squeeze really tight..taking my breath away..
Megatron:So what is it gonna be Darbie?!
With that I heard knockout scream in pain and I saw what that Decepticon was doing to him and it broke me into tiny pieces!
Megatron:Be with me or watch him die!!
I looked at Knockout and he had a blade up to his throat from that horrible Decepticon..
Megatron started counting
Megatron:When I get to three you better have a answer...1...
I looked at knockout and he was shaking his head no and his eyes were telling me no please don't do this but I didn't want him to die...
But I don't wanna watch Optimus and the others to fall or better yet die!
And I end up hating the bot that I can never get away from!!
Megatron:3! Alright...
He went to tell the Decepticon to kill him but I pulled him back
Megatron:What is it gonna be!
I looked at knockout and I teared up
Megatron:Yes what?
Darbie:I will be by your side Megatron...
I looked at his eyes and they were more red!
He smiled evilly and told the Decepticon to leave and go back to his station...I saw knockout looking at the camera and he was sad and I felt a tear running down my face and Megatron cut off the camera...
Megatron:Now my future queen...
He snapped his fingers and two Decepticons grabbed me and were gonna take me back to the cell! Right after I said yes to the proposal!
Darbie:Megatron! What are you doing!?
He laughed..he picked my chin up to face him
Megatron:Think of it as a wedding gift my queen! Now kiss me before you go!
He order the Decepticons to let go and he pulled me close to him and made me look up at him
He grabbed me tight..tight enough to break my ribs and he gave me this look like if I didn't do it I will pay for I did...and it was awful
He threw me back to the Decepticons and I hit my head and passed out...
Flashback Ended
I stared shocked and I crawled up trying to find Knockout but I didn't see him! My spark started to race..until I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around...and my spark dropped all the way to ground when I saw who it was...

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