9. The Party

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(Hey probably a trigger warning on this!! maybe sexual content and illegal substances !!)

October, 27th, 1960

                               (Y/N)'s P.O.V

        I was sitting outside with Ponyboy and we were waiting for Dallas Winston to come and pick us up for a party, I never been to a party before and I do not know what to expect but I don't think it is going to be that bad. Or so I thought. "So-o have you been to one of these parties?" Ponyboy asked me. I looked at him. "Honestly, no." I implied. He nodded and looked at the ground. "I don't think you should go." "What?" I asked. He looked at me and sighed. "Look, I don't want to see you get hurt." he said. I tilted my head in confusion. "Get hurt?" I asked. He nodded. "No, I am not a coward." I said. "No- no- you never been to a hood or greaser party and I do not want you going." he said. "Well Mr. Curtis you're not the boss of me." I said and got up. Dally pulled up with a car I have never seen before. "Hey man- and uh pretty lady, hop in!" he yelled over to us. "Stay here." Pony said then got up and walked over to Dally and I followed. "What's up with her?" Dally asked. "She's not going." Ponyboy said then glared at me. "Yes I am." I said. "Oh let the pretty girl come!" Dal said. "Whatever, if she gets hurt it is not my fault!" Ponyboy yelled. "She'll be fine! She can stay by me the whole time." Dally said and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and got in the back seat, Ponyboy got in the front. "Everything is going to be okay." Dally said. He pressed on the gas and he started speeding down the street. "Dally are you tryna get us killed??" Ponyboy yelled. "Let loose Pone!" Dally said while taking the hands off the wheel. "Dal!" he yelled. Dallas laughed and put his hands back on the wheel. "You're going to meet some real fine girls there man." he said to Ponyboy while looking at him. I glared at Dallas and I think he felt me glaring at him because he turned around to look at me and he smirked. "Oh I am just playing pretty lady." "I have a name." I said. he rolled his eyes and looks back at the road. 

         Eventually Dally got to the place where the party was taking place. "Buck Merril." Dally said and hopped over the car then walked over to this very tall guy with blonde hair. Ponyboy and I followed him. Dally turned to us, "Hey, you guys can go inside." Dally turned back to the guy he was talking too. "you said that we follow you so no one gets hurt." Ponyboy said. "You guys will be fine!" Dally said. "Stop being a coward Ponyboy and lets go have fun!" I said while dragging Ponyboy inside.

          We looked around and saw many people everywhere. People were at the bar and ordering drinks and other people were playing cards, it felt like so much was going on at once. "Heyo Ponyboy!" I heard someone yell across the the room. I saw someone with curly black hair making his way over to us. "What do you want Shepard?" Ponyboy asked. He looked a lot taller and older than Curly Shepard and he had a huge scar on his face. The guy looked at me then back at Ponyboy. "Who's the broad?" he asked. "I am not a broad, I have a name." I said sternly. "So what's the name women?" he asked. "Do I know you?" I asked him. "Well no, that's why I was asking, The name is Tim- Tim Shepard by the way." he explained. "So what's the name?" "(Y/N) but it doesn't need to be going around, got it?" I said to him. "Right." he said. "Well y'all tryna play some cards?" he asked us. "We're not trying to play poker, what about something else?" I asked. "Palace?" Ponyboy suggested. "How do you play that?" I asked. "Come on we'll show you pretty lady." Tim said. "(Y/N)." I said. 

Tim rolled his eyes then walked over to the poker table, Pony and I scurried quietly. Ponyboy sat down and I sat next to him then Tim sat across from us. Tim started to shuffle the deck of cards and he placed three cards face down. I picked them up and looked at them. "How about you stop touching things and let me explain the rules?" Tim said while snatching the cards out of my hands. He put them back in the deck and gave me three more cards face down. "Alright now let me explain before you start touching, So how this game works is that these three cards I have placed down in front of you, you do not touch until the end." Tim started to hand out six cards to everyone. "Now place down three of your best cards facing up on the three cards facing down." he explained. "Now Jacks, Queens, Kings and Aces are your highest cards but the best cards are 2's and 10's, now 10's clear the deck entirely then you can place down a card after and 2's restart the deck and you can place down whatever card after a 2 if you don't have a higher card, the twist is that if you don't have the same card or higher you have to pick up the entire deck and play those cards then if there is no more cards in the pick up deck because you're suppose to have at least three cards in your hands at all times then you can start placing down the good cards that are facing up and when those run out you can then place your cards facing down." he explained everything. "I think got it." I said. "Alright, we may begin."

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