3. Meeting Ponyboy's Brothers

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      Ponyboy and I walked out the room then Ponyboy looked at me. "So your place or mine?" he asked. I looked at him then looked down at the floor. "Let's go to your place...if that's okay with you?" i said then you looked back at him. "Yeah...Yeah that's okay let's go."  "Well we have to grab our stuff stupid." I said to him. He nodded and started walking towards the lockers. Our lockers were across from each other which made it even more ways of seeing him that I did not like. Ponyboy went over to his locker and I went over to mine. I started to grab all my belongings that I needed. I finished grabbing all my stuff then I walked over to Ponyboy and leaned against the locker next to his. "Hey Ponyboy! What is is goody two shoes doing out of class right now?" I heard someone yell. I look over at him and saw rusty colored hair and sideburns. There was only one person that looked like that in school. The school class clown Keith Mathews known as Two-Bit Mathews because of his stupid two bit jokes. Ponyboy looked at Two-Bit then Two-Bit slammed Pony's locker shut and started to wheeze on the floor for no reason. I thought at least? but Ponyboy started yelling at him. "Hey, Two-Bit what was that for? It ain't funny!" Ponyboy yelled while putting his code back in his locker. "Cheap." I said while looking at Two-Bit. Two-Bit got up and stopped laughing to look at me. "Oh well isn't it little short stack (Y/N)?" he said while laughing. "It's really not that funny." I said. "Well short people usually get mad when I say that so their reaction is funny." he explained. "Well I am not mad so why are you laughing?" I asked. "Good point." he said. "Can you two quit it?" Ponyboy asked annoyed. "Anyways, Why are you two together right now? I thought you hated her Pony?" Two-Bit asked. "Very good remark Two-Bit, the school made us hangout because 'we're good kids and they care about not having rivals in the school.' apparently." Ponyboy explained to him." "Gotcha, well I guess I catch both of you later." Two-Bit said then fist pumped Ponyboy and he turned around and left. "Let's go." I said then started headed for the exit of the school and Ponyboy followed.

                               Ponyboy's P.O.V

     I started leading the way to my house but my feelings towards this idea the school has, it is really giving me mixed emotions. The idea is kind of not a smart move, why do we have to get along? Just so they can save their asses because they're so worried about ruining their reputation of their school? I bet. Socs and Greasers do not get along and they do not do ANYTHING and I mean anything about it and now it is really getting me annoyed. We kind of have a pretty far walk since Darry could not pick us up today. He had to work pretty late but Sodapop would be home today since it is his day off today which is fine by me since Sodapop and I get along better than Darry and me. No one talked the entire way to my house so it was an awkward walk.

                                    (Y/N)'s P.O.V

          We eventually got to his house and we got to the gate and he opened it and walked up on the porch. The house can be better but it could also be a lot worse than what it is. Ponyboy opened the front door and walked inside while I followed. A nice looking man was laying down on the couch watching what looked like to be Mickey Mouse, which is not a bad show at all. "Hey, I am home Soda." Ponyboy said. The man looked at him and smiled. "Hey Pony, why are you home so early?" he asked while grinning. "Well if you really want to know I'll explain it to you." He sat down explaining everything to him while I stood their awkwardly and waiting patiently for them to finish. "Wow I can't believe they really made you guys do that, what a shame for making teenagers to like each other." he looked at me and waved. "I'm Sodapop Curtis but you can just call me Sodapop, I hope you feel welcomed here. No one bites here but maybe Ponyboy." he smiled and giggled at his remark. "Yeah, yeah whatever Soda." Ponyboy sat next to Sodapop and put his bag beside him. "Well you can sit down somewhere." Pony said. "I hung my bag up and sat down in the recliner that was next to me and we all started watching Mickey Mouse. Eventually someone walked out the bathroom and I looked up to see Johnny Cade. I did have a small crush on him when I was in Elementary school and we were good friends at one point but he met Ponyboy and they had a nice bro friendship that he pushed me aside so I searched for new friends and we kind of stopped talking after. I know about Johnny and his home life but I did not expect him to pop up here, I thought he would of been in school. Johnny looked at me and smiled. "Hey (Y/N)." he said. I waved at him and got up and I hugged him.I had too- it felt like I haven't seen him in forever and I really haven't. He hesitated but eventually hugged back. "It's been a while." I nodded. "Shut up." I said in a playful way. "Okay, hug time over." Ponyboy said. Johnny let go of me and so did I, so I sat back down. "Why weren't you at school Johnny?" I asked. "Oh, uh I felt sick." he said. "You trying to go to the park later Johnny?" Ponyboy asked. "Sure." he said. "Oh, I guess you have to come with us too." Ponyboy said while looking at me. I nodded and stood up. "Well I have to grab some stuff from my house and you guys have to come with me because I am not walking by myself." I said while stretching. "You can walk by yourself." Ponyboy said. "Pony, be a gentleman and walk the poor girl to her house." Sodapop said while nodding at me. "Fine, let's go." "I'll tag along too." Johnny said. We headed out and started walking to my house, Tulsa was bum looking on this side of town. There was trash everywhere and everything looked abandoned or run down and it is not appeasing to the eye. "Where are we trying to go?" Ponyboy asked. "6280 S 80th ave." I answered. "I know a shortcut there." Johnny said. Johnny started to lead the way.

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