12. Update at my house

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December, 8th, 1960

                                  (Y/N)'s P.O.V

            My mom has been going mad it feels like. She is more crazy than usual and it is kind of freaking me out. I have not seen Ponyboy since my mom found me in the rain with him when I snuck out. My mom everyday keeps talking about how we are going to move so 'I can get away from those hooligans.' She said she already found a place in Colorado which I am not buying because she said all these kinds of things all the time. "(Y/N)!" I heard her yell. "What?" I yelled from my room. I didn't hear her yell back, I got up from my bed. "What mom?" I didn't hear her say anything so I walked out of my room and she was sitting on the couch holding a cigarette. "What the hell is this?" she asked. "Looks like a cigarette, why?" I replied. "What the hell is it doing in my house?" she said sternly. My mom was so against cigarettes and she knows I don't like em either. "Mom you know I don't smoke those." I said. "So what the hell is it doing in my house? Oh it's probably those scumbags that you hangout with? Huh?" "Mom stop you're bugging out for nothing." I said to her. "Bugging out?" She asked even though she knows what it means. "I can show you what bugging out is!" She yelled. She got up and threw the cigarette at me then she pushed me into the coffee table. "What the hell !" I yelled. "What the hell is wrong with you!? Don't speak to me that way." It seemed like she was disconnected from reality. "I'll deal with you later, I have to go to work." She grabbed her pocketbook. "Clean this place up before I get home or I will beat your ass." She walked out the door and slammed the door shut behind her. 

             I sighed. There was adrenaline that was still going through me after what just happened. I bent down to pick up the cigarette and I threw it in the garbage. I started to clean up the place like she asked so I don't get beat up by her. I ended up sweeping the living room, tidying up the kitchen, washing the dishes, then I got to the bathroom. I started to scrub the sink and put the clothes in the laundry, I then started to sweep the bathroom to get everything off the floor. I looked behind the toilet and saw a plastic bag, I picked it up to observe it. "What the hell?" I said to myself. I inspected it more and it looked like the drug that Dally was talking about a few months back. How did this get in here? My mom is against cigarettes there's no way she can be doing this. I started to panic because I realized that she did seem more tweaked lately. 'What do I do?' I asked myself. 

           I heard a knock on the door and I threw the bags behind the toilet. I thought it was my mom but why would she knock on her own door? I went to the door and looked out the window to see Darry. I opened the door. "Hey Darry- what are you doing here?" I asked. "Hey (Y/N) I haven't seen you in a while." he said. "Yeah, Long story." "Ah gotchu." he replied then he took a paper out of his pocket. "Your mother wanted me to give this to you." He handed me the note and I tilted my head. "Why did she give it to you?" I asked. "Eh I talk to your mother sometimes just to see if everything is going okay over here." he said. I nodded my head and started to read the note. 'Get your bags packed because we're moving out as soon as I get home' It read. "She can't be serious" I said quietly. "Is everything alright (Y/N)?" Darry asked. "She said that we're going to be moving, I- I didn't think she would be serious." I said to him. "Oh darn, Hopefully it's somewhere around here?" he questioned. "No- no-no she said a whole different state." I said frantically. "Ponyboy is going to be devastated, Well I'll let him know." "NO!" I yelled. Darry looked at me worried. "I mean- I'm sorry I'll let him know myself or even if it'll happen- I- I don't know-" Darry gave me a big hug. "Hopefully it won't, you're a good kid and you're good to my brother." "Can I come live with you guys?" I asked. "(Y/n) You know the situation, We're on the down low right now because of our parents. I would but I just can't" he said. I looked down, this can't be, I can't leave everyone I know. "Well thanks again Darry." "Take care (Y/N)." Darry said like he is never going to see me again. 

              I closed the door and put the note on the coffee table and I just stared at it. "What now?"

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