Another Author's note

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Hello, you may have noticed I haven't updated in a while. I hit another point in my life where I lost even more good people in my life. My Aunt and my boyfriend's grandma passed away on the same exact day (October 22nd) so I haven't been doing very well. I need a break from a lot of stuff and my mental state is at a weird state now so that also comes with writer's block. I have been focusing on my senior year of school (I go to a very easy school so it's really not stressing me out) but I've been trying to focus on if I should go to college also so I'm trying to apply to go to interior design classes :)
I'm so sorry if you're enjoying this story but I just need a break. Everyone deserves a break, including you !! :)) So if you hit a stressful time I'm your life just take a step back and think, relax. Your mental health should always come first no matter what.
So thank you for understanding and the problems in my life. As always I love you all and Stay Gold!!💛


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