11. November Rain

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November, 30th, 1960

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

         Ponyboy and I were sitting outside on the porch staring out at the rain waiting for school. We have finally ended up going back to school and we have the rest of the year to finish this book also. We both got up early because we were excited it has been a month since we started to take it steady. We haven't wanted to take anything too fast because after all we started out not liking each other. Two-Bit said he was going to take us to school today so we didn't have to walk in the rain. "The rain sounds so peaceful." I said. "You make my mind at peace." Ponyboy said blissfully. "You're corny." "Yeah Yeah." he said. Two-Bit finally pulled up and Ponyboy gave me his jacket so I wouldn't get wet. "You're a sweetheart." I said then we ran to the car we, both hopped in. "What have you love birds been up too?" Two-Bit asked. "Nothing really." Ponyboy answered for both of us. "We've just been chilling getting to know each other." "Sounds great." he said. He drove us to school and we all got out and ran inside. We had to go to the lunch room before school started everyday so not everyone was roaming around the school. Ponyboy and I walked in and everyone was sitting there staring at us and whispering. I looked at Ponyboy and he looked at me. "You fuck a horse !" Someone yelled. It felt like everyone was yelling at us calling us sluts, hoes, any rude word you can think. I usually don't feel embarrassed but right then it felt embarrassing and awkward. 

            I turned around and ran down the hallway. "(Y/N)!" Ponyboy and some teachers yelled. I kept running and running until i ran into some people. "Excuse you!" the person yelled. I saw her- red hair. "Watch where the hell you're going!" she yelled again. I looked at her and remembered her she was the one that flirted with Ponyboy on Halloween. "Do you want to fucking fight?" I asked. She looked at me confused. "Excuse you? DO you know who I am?" she scoffed. "Do you know who the hell I am?" I asked. "No you little girl." she said. I took a deep breath and took a step back trying not to deck her in the face at that moment. Well I did anyway. I made her nose bleed- and a lot. The guy that was standing next to her and he gasped. "What the hell is wrong with you??" She yelled. I had so much anger built up I needed to take out and she was the person that got in my way of it. Not my fault. A faculty member came over and asked what happened. Her and which I learned was her boyfriend both pointed at me. 

           I ended up getting sent to the office. I had to wait in the conference room again. I looked out the window and saw that it was still raining. The principal ended up coming in. "Miss. (L/N) I didn't expect you to be in here today." he implied. "Yeah I know, I saw her and all anger just let loose." "Why's that?" he asked. "She flirted with- uh-..." he paused me and said 'I know you're dating Ponyboy.' "Does everyone know or something??" I asked. He just shrugged. "Well maybe you need some time off of school for a bit? just a week?" he suggested. Is he really suspending me right now? "Just to take a step back and reflect so just a week suspension." He gave me a slip of saying I have a week suspension. "I have also called your mom so she should be on her way to pick you up." "You called my mom??" I yelled. "She's going to be pissed!" "I'm sorry Miss. (L/N) but we had too." I just got up and walked to the entrance of the school to wait for my mom. 

         The sky was grey out and still raining it seemed like it was going to rain all day. I saw my mom's car pull up and it felt like there was a pit in my stomach. "(Y/N)?" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Ponyboy. "Pony!" I got up and hugged him. "What the hell happened?" he questioned. "I'll explain later but i got suspended and my mom is literally here right now to pick me up, I will see you later." I explained. "Okay just be safe." He kissed my head and got back to class. 

        I went outside to my mom's car and she was outside waiting with her arms crossed staring at me and in the rain. I can tell she was pissed. "Get in the car." That is all she said. She got on the driver side and i got on the passenger side.  "What the hell were you thinking." she said very disappointed. "I already heard that today." "This isn't a fucking joke, ever since you've been hanging out with those hooligans you've been a mess! That's why I have thought about moving." she said. "Mom what?? You can't do that!" "I am the adult of the household and what i say goes, it's for the best (Y/N)." she explained. "Mom you really can't be serious I've been the happiest I have ever been while being with them." I tried to explain to her. "And look where it has put you (Y/N) getting suspended, when the hell have you ever gotten suspended?" "Mom stop it's only one time." "And one time can be on your life forever! So I made the executive decision it is really for the best." "You're trying to ruin my life!" She pulled up to the house and I got out and ran inside. I went straight to my bedroom. This was so stupid it has only been once and I think was for a good reason. I started to cry I cared about Ponyboy a lot and his brothers and all his friends, I have gotten close to them. I laid on my bed and started to cry just thinking about moving can ruin my social life and move away from everyone I know.

            I took a nap for a few hours and I woke up. I felt like shit. I started gathering my things and putting them in a bag. I was going to sneak out. I looked outside and it was still raining. I opened my window. I was on the second floor so I can climb on the roof and go from there. I crawled out of the window onto the roof. I jumped down from the roof and took off towards the Curtis house. 

           I eventually made it to greaser territory and a corvette was following me. "Oh great." Is what I said to myself. I was drenched from the rain so why is a Soc following me. "I'm not a greaser so move along!" I yelled. I was tired of this greaser vs. soc stuff it is getting out of hand.  "Get her!" I heard. I started to dart down the street. Holy shit I don't think I've ever gotten chased before and had to run for my life. I turned down another street and my heart and my legs were running so fast. "Get a load of this!" I heard someone yell. I thought I was done and they were going to get me here, I was so close to the Curtis house I needed one more block. I turned around and saw Dally, Tim and Two-Bit behind me and they scared the Soc's off. "Oh my god guys!" I ran over to them. "What are you guys doing?" I asked. "We were across the street and saw you and obviously we had to help." Two-Bit said. "Let's get out of here." We all made it back to the Curtis house. I walked in and saw Pony on the couch. "(Y/N)!" He ran over to me and hugged me. "I missed you." he said. "I did too." We both walked outside.

       I explained everything that has happened down to what happened with Cherry, to my mom and what just happened. "You had a rough day." he said softly. I nodded and sighed. "Your mom can't have you move away it's not fair. "That's what I said." I walked off the porch and in the rain. I was already soaking so I didn't care. Ponyboy followed me also. I turned around to face him and we kissed. We kissed for a while in the rain it felt so magical. "You're so amazing (Y/N)" I smiled and hugged him. "(Y/N)!!" I heard from a distance. "What??" I turned around and saw my mom glaring at me. "You are so dead." she said.                                                                                                                                                                                           

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