7. Is this happening

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          "What did you have to ask me?" I asked. "Well, you are a very pretty girl and um I know we never got along ever but I really have got to know you and you're sweet and kind and um I feel like you're my other half." he said softly to me. I stared at him for a moment. "Ponyboy you don't even know what my favorite color is." I stated. "u-um, Sage green?" he asked. "No! I would have to think about this, but not right now and not today, we just started hanging out like is the horny boy coming out of you?" I asked. He stared at me for a moment then looked down. He picked up a cigarette pack and started smoking a cigarette. "You're not guilt tripping me or gas lighting me or nothing Ponyboy." I said. He sat on the stairs and sucked down his first cigarette then took another one out and started puffing on it. "I'll be friends with you at this point in time. We can think about that question in the future, how about that?" I said. "Yep." is all he said. I sat next to him and looked up at the moon and stars.

                                       Ponyboy's P.O.V

           I looked at her and her face was glowing from the moon and her eyes sparkling from the stars, she is a very beautiful girl. "It feels like I'm in a hallmark movie right now." I said. She actually looked at me to smile and she giggled and she said "Shut up." playfully. I hope one day I can call her my girlfriend because she's a sweet girl I do not want her for anything else but her love and I am okay with that but on top of that she has the looks too and I really do hope she'll say yes to me and love me how i love her right now. I took one last cigarette out and puffed it down. "Ready to go inside?" I asked. she looked at me and nodded. We both got up and headed to our rooms I changed my clothes and laid down and soon enough I fell asleep.

Never Got Along, Ponyboy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now