Chapter 12 - We have a problem

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The two-hour journey to her hometown, to the place she last lived with her mother and father, wasn't a long one. Stefan and Aella seemed to just soak in the time they could spend together in peace and quiet. As Aella directed him off the highway, Stefan began to feel slight nerves at finally seeing the place that made Aella... Aella. After meeting Uncle Nate, he had seen where Aella got some of her personality from. Yet, according to Aella, she mainly took after her dad.

"So..." Stefan looked at his girlfriend as she smiled at all the familiar buildings and landscapes. "Anything I should know before we arrive?"

"No," Aella only shook her head, eyes not leaving her view. Before he could question her again, Aella let out a squeak, "We're here."

Aella hadn't needed to tell him; he could see from the sign for the gated community Aella had told him plenty about; the sign for Templar Garden was large and bold against the large iron gates and security box situated in front of them. As they pulled up to the security box, Stefan watched the young man turn from his desk to smile at him; for a second, it seemed that smile slipped a little until his eyes passed Stefan to see his passenger.

"Miss Bennett!"

At his enthusiastic greeting, Aella ungraciously flopped on Stefan to lean out the window, waving at the security guard, "Hi, Stanley. Looks like someone was promoted?"

The young man blushed as he tapped the name tag on his shirt, senior security his title, "Mr. Phillips promoted me last year. I'm full-time now."

"That's great, Stanley." Aella beamed. Stanley was just training when she had left Templar Gardens and always blushed when her mother was around. "We're here to see my uncle. Can you let us in?"

When Stanley's smile slipped, just a little, when he looked at Stefan again, Stefan knew he wasn't paranoid, "Y-you and your g-guest, Miss Bennett?"

"Yup!" Aella giggled, tapping on Stefan's hands that held her still, seemingly unaware of Stanley's behavior. "This is my boyfriend, Stefan Salvatore."

Stanley's eyes met his, and only with Stefan's supreme hearing did he hear the security guard swallow heavily, "W-welcome, Mr. S-salvatore." Stefan only sent him a closed-mouth smile. With slightly shaky hands, Stanley opened the gates, "Welcome home, Miss Bennett."

"Thanks, Stanley," Aella waved again before moving back into her seat as Stefan began driving slowly forward. "Say hi to your mom and dad for me."

Stanley did not reply, but Stefan felt a slight reassurance when the large gates closed behind them. Aella sighed nervously from her seat, hands wringing together, "It's nice to see him doing well. He struggled to make friends when he was our age."

"He seemed nervous," Stefan casually told her.

Aella's brow raised as she directed Stefan to her home, "Really? Hmm?" Aella shrugged, "He was always nervous around new people. Maybe it was that?"

It wasn't that. Stefan knew 100% that Stanley's lifelong nerves didn't create such fear he could still taste in his mouth.

Aella was suddenly beaming as she told Stefan to turn onto a long drive, and when the house came into view, Stefan could see why. It was Aella's childhood home. The pictures she had in her room and photo albums did not do the house justice. While it wasn't as big as the Lockwoods or as simple as Caroline's home, it was beautiful, elegant, and homely; It was pure Aella.

Aella suddenly forgot her nerves as she dived out of the car and ran up the set of stairs. Knocking on the sizable double mahogany doors before opening one of the doors, she shouted into the elegant home, "Uncle Nate!?"

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