Chapter 23 - We protect the innocent.

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"Sarah was drunk," Caroline explained to Carol, both women staring down at the dead girl on the floor in front of them. "She was dancing, and she just tripped. And then she wasn't breathing."

Carol nodded shakily at the simple explanation, "Okay, your mom's on her way, and we called Sarah's parents. It was an accident." Her breath was shaky as she tried to convince herself what Caroline was telling her was true. A murder would really ruin things. "It was a terrible, tragic accident."

"Mom," Tyler walked in, his eyes red from his crying. He looked at his pale mother, "The sheriff's here.

Carol bobbed her head as she looked at the two teens, "I'll go prepare her; just don't leave. Just stay here, okay? She's going to want to hear the story from you."

As she left, Tyler stepped towards Caroline. He looked only at her, even though every muscle in his body was desperate for him to look down at the girl he had killed. "You know what this means."

Caroline laughed unsteadily, "We don't know for sure, Tyler."

He narrowed his eyes on her, "We both know that answer is as worse as the one you just told my mom." He swallowed heavily, "I triggered the curse. The next full moon, I'll turn into a werewolf."

Caroline grasped his arm, "And we'll help you."

"You can't," Tyler shook his head sadly as she stepped back from her. "Because as of now, whenever I turn into... that, you're the enemy, Caroline. One bite, and it's all over. One bite, and you're dead."

Silent tears fell down Caroline's face, not because he was right, but because whatever there was growing between the two teens, it was over. Things would never be the same.



"I apologize for my involvement," Lucy told the group as they gathered in the car park.

Damon shrugged, "Hey, you took out the bitch from hell. I can forgive." Aella and Stefan shared amused glances, which Damon saw and pulled a face at the two, "Oh, shut up."

He walked away, and Stefan squeezed Aella's side, "We'll go deal with Katherine and Aimee."

Aella nodded, sighing sadly; Stefan had told her about Aimee's needless death. She caught his arm before he pulled away, "Make sure she's put somewhere nice, be gentle with her. She didn't deserve to be dragged into this."

"We will," Stefan promised, kissing the top of her head before leaving her and Lucy alone.

"Katherine is a cruel being," Lucy smiled softly at Aella. "I'm sorry about your friend, what you asked for, it's nice."

"She's not my friend," Aella admitted as she wrung her hands together as the two walked over to a bench near them. "But Katherine being here, choosing someone to hurt us, that is somewhat our fault." They sat down together as Aella tearfully continued, "Aimee's parents will worry, and until her body is found, they'll wonder what they did wrong. How things could have been different? What if?" She brushed the lone tear that fell, "The least we could do is bury their child in a nice place with respect."

Lucy smiled sadly at her, "This life is hard. Some days you'll wonder what's the point, but that love I felt when our hands touch... For your vampire boyfriend," Lucy quirked a brow, "Which I don't get at all...." Aella chuckled softly, and Lucy continued. "For your friends, for this town you protect; that's the point. Our magic was given to us to help those in need, help bring balance when there are creatures in this world stronger than any human. We protect the innocent. Always remember that."

An Elemental Difference - FIRE - Book 2 (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now