Chapter 21 - Elphaba was greatly misunderstood!

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Jeremy and Anna were quick to find Tyler, whom he saw in his father's office, staring at the ground. Jeremy approached the teen as Anna closed the doors behind them, "Hey, man."

Tyler said nothing, and the couple in the room shared awkward silent glances before Anna coughed lightly; only then did Tyler lookup. "We're going to get her, Tyler. She won't get away with what she did to Mason."

Tyler's features tightened at her mentioning his uncle's name when the door opened, and his mother stepped in, "It's already packed out there." She told her son with a bright smile, which dimmed a little when she saw others in the room. "Look at you boys, so handsome." She glanced over at Anna, "What a lovely dress, Anna."

Anna smiled tightly at the woman but graciously thanked her compliment, just as her mother had taught. "Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood, and thank you for the invitation."

Carol only nodded before turning back to her son, "C'mon, Tyler," she waved him up. "Let me see you."

Tyler was still; he hadn't seen his mom since Mason had been killed due to how busy she had been. He wasn't too sure how to act until Jeremy nudged him, and he stood up. Carol smoothed down his suit jacket, "So handsome, like your father."

Tyler hadn't expected the compliment or the slight misting in his mother's eyes, "You look pretty good too, mom."

Carol held a hand to her chest in surprise, "Oh, a compliment. I think I'll fall over." Carol smoothed his jacket once more, "I know this party isn't your thing, and you'd rather be out of the way, but if people see you in here with others, they'll think it's a free for all." He didn't miss the glance at Anna as she spoke, "Your father would be very unhappy if I let guests in here." Tyler only nodded, and Carol began walking away when a thought came to her, "Have you seen Mason"?

Anna and Jeremy winced at the question. Tyler, who had gathered himself somewhat since Carole had walked in, tensed again. He could feel the stare of Anna and Jeremy on his back, and he wanted to tell his mom everything. Still, she wouldn't understand, especially when she found out what his uncle was. Tyler let out a long sigh, "No. He left yesterday."

Jeremy and Anna looked between each other relieved, as Carol frowned at her son with sympathy, "Oh, Tyler, I'm sorry." She could have left then, but in typical Carol Lockwood style, she continued, "He's coming, he's going, it's just his way. He's the exact opposite of your father. We should have canceled."

Tyler opened his mouth to argue with her spiteful words when Anna quickly jumped forward, "We'll leave the two of you alone." She pulled Jeremy with her, squeezing Tyler's tense arm in comfort as they passed and exited.

Carol flashed them a false smile; once the door shut again, she looked back to Tyler, "This whole masquerade theme was his idea." Tyler didn't have to ask who she was talking off as her mother teared up again. Mason was the last thing on her mind. "I don't know what it has to do with helping the homeless, but once he made up his mind, he could really be a dick...a jerk. But I loved him, and I know you did too. So it's natural to feel abandoned. I just don't want you to feel alone."

Tyler had always felt alone, but when his dad had died and his mom pulled further away, that loneliness worsened. Only when Mason began living with them, even as they joked and argued, that loneliness lightened. Until the previous night. Tyler cleared his throat to push away his tears as he smiled tightly at his mom, "Come on, put your mask on. Let's just go out there and pretend to have some fun."

Carol kissed his cheek, "Yes." She turned and opened the door, ignoring the couple that had been eavesdropping before she turned back to her son, "But first, a cocktail." She glided out of the room, and Anna and Jeremy rushed back into the office.

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