Chapter 51 - That douchebag is still our friend

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Tyler opened the door to Stefan and led him into his father's study in the back of the house. As soon as the door shut, Stefan asked, "What did she want?"

Tyler scoffed, leaning against the large oak desk, "What didn't she want." At Stefan's stare, he explained, "She said that vampires will never be my friends, that it's our nature to be enemies."

"Well, she's not wrong," Stefan shrugged, sitting on the mahogany couch. "In all fiction, in all of Isobel's research, we should, technically, be enemies."

Tyler barked a hollow laugh, "Except this is Mystic Falls, nothing is normal here." He glanced away from his friend, "She wants me to leave with her."

"What?" Stefan demanded, shuffling to the edge of his seat. "After her actions? You barely know her."

"I know that," Tyler shrugged, just as taken aback as Stefan was when Jules told him. "She just kept saying my life would never be the same again, that I needed to learn from her. Learn to survive."

Stefan's nostrils flared, "We can do that. You survived the hardest transformation; it's just learning to control your anger. You can do that here, with your friends, your mom."

Tyler rubbed his face tiredly, "I know, Stefan. I know." Everything Stefan was saying is what he said to Jules.

Stefan observed Tyler, "Then what's wrong?"

"I don't know," Tyler answered, but he and Stefan knew that was a lie. He pushed off his father's desk, "But I told Jules no; I told her I was staying here."

Stefan nodded, getting up and patting Tyler's shoulder in silent praise. Unbeknownst to the two outside, Jules stood, her phone to her ear and her eyes narrowed fiercely on Stefan and Tyler.

"It's me," She snarled into the phone when Brady answered. "Change of plans." She had come to talk with Tyler more, but when she had smelt the stench of a vampire near, she had snuck around the back of the house to hear the last part of Tyler's conversation with the stiff. "Gather the pack; Tyler's chosen his side."


"Is it true?"

Jonas turned in surprise at the female voice, his brow raising as his eyes met Bonnie's burning ones, "Is what true?"

"Was it a lie?" Bonnie interrogated him through gritted teeth.

Jonas didn't answer. Instead, he softly told her, "You must be feeling very confused about us."

Bonnie's lips snarled at his casual stature, "Nothing is confusing about it. I trusted Luka." She shifted in her spot; it felt like her body was filled with electricity, "I went against my cousin, who is finally trusting me again, and Luka betrayed me. Now, I need to know what everybody has figured out, but stupid Bonnie Bennett, are you both working for Elijah? And don't lie about it!"

Jonas could feel Bonnie's powers beating strongly as they fused with her obviously heightened emotions, "I won't lie. But now, Luka did what I asked of him." He stepped closer to Bonnie and softened his voice, "But that doesn't mean we're not also looking out for you."

Bonnie took a significant step back as she growled, "Spare me the witch loyalty crap."

Jonas wasn't deterred, "You might not want to believe this, but Elijah is a man of his word." He took a smaller step forward this time, a slight frown barely visible as he thought of Bonnie's cousin. "You can trust that he won't betray your cousin. He will keep you and your friends protected."

"You're right," Bonnie practically spat out as she moved away from him. "I don't believe it."


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