Chapter 24 - Just another manic Monday

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Stefan watched Aella as she slept, a soft smile pulled at the corner of his lift at seeing her so at peace, even at the small amount of drool escaping her slightly open mouth. Aella breathed in through her nose sharply before wiggling it, a sign she was about to wake up.

As if she could see him through her closed eyes as she turned over and snuggled into his chest, she mumbled, "Stop watching me sleep."

Stefan gently pecked the top of her head, holding her closer, "You're just so adorable." He laughed as she snuggled close to him for warmth, "My little drooling monster."

"I'm not a monster..." Aella pouted against his chest before stretching out her body. Her lips quirked as she moaned, "I am a human being!" Her eyes opened a fraction, "Told ya I was listening in class."

"The Elephant Man," Stefan recognized from her quote. "Joseph Merrick."

Aella's eyes slowly opened further, leaning back to look up at him, "He was about during your time. Did you ever hear about him?"

"Yes," Stefan admitted, thinking back. "I remember news of a man in England, a monster by all accounts. He was used as an incentive to visit England."

Aella frowned against his chest, "Sad." She shuffled around so she could look at Stefan without having to bend her head at an awkward angle, "Speaking of monsters... how are we feeling about Katherine?"

"I'm fine," Stefan admitted truthfully; it had Aella raising an uncertain brow, but he laughed and pulled her close to him again. Holding her tight. "Really. I'm fine. Do I wish we could have killed her, so I knew she was completely out of our lives? Yes. But am I happy she's suffering, just as she made Damon and I suffer all these years?" He kissed the top of her head again, "I'm even happier she can't get to you."

"Yeah," Aella nodded in agreement. "It'll be nice for all of us not to look over our shoulders, worry who she's going to torture just because we insulted her. It'll be even nicer for Elena not to worry she's been posing as her."

"Speaking of Elena..." Stefan started. "How was she after you healed her?"

Aella snuggled even closer to him, "She was upset. I remember when you were taken by Frederick... when I unintentionally channeled you. That first slice in my stomach... the overwhelming pain and panic because I was getting hurt yet nothing was doing it, there was no way to stop it." She swallowed heavily, remembering not only the physical pain but the pain of knowing Stefan was going through that too. "It's hard to explain, even now. But I know how freaked out she was. All Katherine needed to do was damage an organ or cut a vein, and Elena could have bled out there. It's unnerving."

"It's scary," Stefan added, and she agreed with him. He pecked her lips gently, "We'll keep an eye on her today."

"Yeah," Aella smiled and began kissing him back. She was happy to finally have a quiet moment alone with him; sadly, she realized it had been far too long since they chilled in bed and talked, kissed, and loved one another.

Stefan slid down the bed as their kiss grew heated, and Aella swung a short clad leg over his hips and pulled her body as close to his as she could. Needing his skin touching hers. Tongues entwined, and breaths became heavy when a gentle knock echoed around the room. Stefan pulled away, but Aella drew him back, "Ignore it." He did, until a second knock, alongside Jeremy's voice saying her name in a tone that had them both pulling away. Aella climbed off Stefan and jogged to the door. When she opened it, Jeremy was standing there, already dressed and holding his backpack, ready to go despite it being too early for school. "Morning, J."

Jeremy had a slight redness to his cheeks, obviously having a clear idea of what was happening by Aella's rumpled clothes and swollen lips. "Sorry for interrupting, but have you seen Elena? Her bed's not been slept in."

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