Chapter 74 - Buzzing

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Matt walked up the path leading to his girlfriend's quaint house, his footsteps echoing in the quiet morning air. The vibrant hues of dawn painted the sky, casting a warm glow over the surroundings. He reached the patio, his heart heavy with anticipation, knowing Caroline wouldn't be there. Despite the familiar ache of worry, he knocked on the door, a mixture of hope and resignation swirling within him.

The door creaked open, revealing Liz's surprised expression. Her eyes widened momentarily before she composed herself, masking any hint of emotion. "Matt? Caroline left early for school," she stated, her voice tinged with a hint of confusion.

Matt shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of unspoken words pressing against his chest. He stuck his hands deep into his pockets, a gesture of both nervousness and uncertainty. "I know. I came to see you. I'm sorry about yesterday," he murmured, the words escaping him in a quiet rush.

Liz's eyes flickered with a momentary panic before she schooled her features into a mask of composure. "For what? Being upset about your sister? It's okay, Matt," she reassured him, her tone gentle yet distant.

Matt shook his head, a knot forming in his stomach as he struggled to articulate his thoughts. "No. I mean—" he began, his words trailing off as Liz interrupted him with a false smile, her facade slipping seamlessly into place.

"Losing a sibling is hard, especially the way Vicki died. Try not to bottle it up next time," she interjected smoothly, her words laced with a hint of condescension.

Taken aback by her blatant dismissal of their previous conversation, Matt stuttered, his mind reeling with disbelief. "But I—?" he attempted to protest, only to be met with Liz's placid smile.

"You better get going, or you'll be late," she remarked casually, her tone final as she shut the door with a decisive click, leaving Matt standing on the porch, his mouth agape in disbelief.

As he made his way down the path, a sense of unease settled over him, mingling with the lingering echoes of their conversation. Something wasn't right, and try as he might, Matt couldn't shake the feeling of impending turmoil that hung in the air like a dark shadow.


As students shuffled into history class, their chatter filled the air, blending with the anticipation of yet another mundane lesson. Elena, always eager for a distraction, seized the opportunity to showcase her latest endeavor—a poster for the upcoming 60s decade dance. With a hopeful smile, she presented it to her friends, her eyes brimming with expectation.

"Will my protector allow this?" Elena quipped, her tone laced playfully as she glanced at Aella, the self-appointed guardian of her.

Aella, taking the poster from Elena with pointed emphasis, rolled her eyes dramatically. "After I had to get up early yesterday and spend my entire Sunday helping Care with decorating? Uh, duh," she retorted, her sarcasm dripping like honey.

With a frown, Elena reclaimed the poster, her disappointment palpable. "It's a costume party. How did she convince you to agree to a costume party?" she mused, her brow furrowing in confusion.

Aella, the epitome of self-assuredness, preened in her seat, a smug grin playing at her lips. "Stefan and I are doing a couples costume. I hate myself, but they are epic!" she declared proudly, her enthusiasm contagious.

Bonnie, ever the voice of reason, raised a curious brow. "Stefan and Aella in a couple costume?" she echoed, her disbelief evident.

Stefan, sliding into his seat next to Aella, flashed a grin at the poster. "There's something about a school dance that throws all my inhibitions out of the window," he remarked with a hint of mischief.

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