Chapter 29 - Bonding

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Rose watched through the slightly open doorway as those in the library talked amongst themselves; she recognized Damon, Aella, and Elena but no one else. As they spoke to one another, words that were usually so sheltered with her kind were casually thrown about; vampires, blood bags, originals, desiccation...

"They won't bite if you go in."

Rose's lips quirked at the teasing tone as she turned to face Stefan, "Haha."

Stefan merely shrugged a shoulder at the bad joke, "Sorry. It seems Aella has finally influenced my humor."

"Yeah..." Rose trailed off, looking back into the library where Aella stood with a blonde vampire. Her arms were waving about as she explained something - apparently hilarious - to the laughing blonde. Rose could see that even when Aella didn't use her magic, she gesticulated all her emotions with physical motions. "Aella is... she's unique."

Stefan snorted; it wasn't the first time he'd heard Aella described that way, "Yeah, she's something...." But nevertheless, he smiled brightly when her laugh reached him. "She's changed me in the best way. Changed us all."

"And everyone in that room knows?" Rose asked him dubiously. "Knows what we are? What we can do?"

Stefan nodded, hands going in his pocket, "They know all the good and the bad. They've seen it all, been through worse."

Rose raised a brow, "You know as well as I, the more people are let into our world, the least likely it is that they survive."

"And what's the alternative?" Stefan honestly answered her. "Mystic Falls is a beacon to the supernatural. Why? We don't know. But eventually, the lives of the people in that room would have been changed somehow. They had long before Damon, and I returned. So isn't it better they're prepared? Aware of what could happen if they're not vigilant?"

Rose snorted with bewilderment, "They're calling themselves Murder Inc. That's not vigilant, that's prosperous."

Stefan's lips threatened to smile, "It's easier than having to say everyone's names." He proudly pointed to the pin on his tee, "Plus, we get badges. Not a lot of clubs get badges."

Rose shook her head tightly, "Klaus will take your fancy badges and force them down your throats. Dead or alive."

The humor slid from Stefan's face as he stood straighter, "Klaus can try."

The strength in Stefan's voice made Rose want to cry; she felt that strong once. Before, she had to run for her life for 500 years. Then it was all about surviving. "It's a pauper's dream that you believe you can all beat him."

Stefan was quiet for a moment as he took a step closer to Rose, his eyes glancing in the room to all those that talked amongst themselves. When he looked back down at Rose, she saw firmness, "We're a team. If one of ours is in danger, we'll do everything to protect them." He smiled softly down at her, "You could be a part of that team too."

"They'd help me?" Rose suspiciously asked. "After I kidnapped their friend? Got you all caught up with the Originals?"

"Yeah," Stefan casually shrugged. "Even though we haven't been running for 500 years, a lot has happened in the last year. Things we wouldn't have survived without each other, so why would we let anyone else go through that?" He saw everyone beginning to sit, "Looks like we're starting things. You ready?"

Rose hesitated, "I... It's been a lonely 500 years. I haven't been around this many people in a while."

"They're good people," Stefan hoped to soothe her worries. He began to push open the door to let them in when he paused, looking at her over his shoulder; there was a twinkle in his eyes. "Although I'm not sure how long it'll be before you want that solitude again."

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