Chapter 16

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The tension on the ship was something that Cora couldn't describe. All the men stood, looking out towards the valley of stars as they made their way to the enemy ships above. Cora had done missions like this before, but with her team. With clones who were trained for this sort of work. She picked at her fingers nervously, worried that one of the men were going to screw this up for them, and they'd all be dead.

A part of her wanted to trust them, and she did Rex and General Skywalker. Although the two could be reckless, they got the job done. Cora remembered the missions she would help with, before she was permanently called away to join General Jax.

She missed the young padawan, Ahsoka Tano.

She was filled with such life and fire, a good refresher from the rest of the Jedi. Cora could remember when she joined with the General, how to two would butt heads, like a older brother and younger sister relationship. Rex was no better. It was hard for him to trust such a young girl to make such serious decisions in this war. But Ahsoka impressed the clone, earning his respect early on.

Ahsoka and Cora were close. She would often join her on missions with her master and Rex, resulting in a quartet of madness. The four together were wild, and known for it. But as the war went on, Ahsoka quickly started to question her loyalty. Especially after she was framed for a crime, she didn't commit.

Cora remembers being called to the Jedi temples on Coruscant, after Ahsoka had escaped her prison. The Senator found her and tried to talk her down, trying to get her story. She knew Ahsoka didn't do it. But senate seats and the Jedi council thought otherwise.

Ahsoka figured out who actually committed the crime, and she was offered back to the Jedi order, but she refused.

Ahsoka Tano walked away from her master that day.

Cora looked over at General Skywalker, wondering how he was doing after his padawan and friend had left a year earlier. She knew he missed her, but she dare not talk about her. She also wondered if Rex knew where she ended up. Cora missed her.

Her thoughts were brought back to the ship as Wrecker turned to the group. Cora stood next to Hunter, her mind still buzzing around her old friend.

"Please tell me we are blowing something up." Wrecker said turning to the General.

"Sorry, Wrecker," Skywalker crossed his arms, "this is strictly stealth."

Wrecker groaned at him. "I hate that word."

"Then you'll hate my line of work." Cora huffed with a smirk.

"You're built for that," Wrecker waved his hand at her, "I'm not."

"He'll feel better once he blows something up." Crosshair mumbled to her. She raised her eyebrows and nodded.

"Echo, you're up." The General said as the ship came closer to the enemy ship.

"Don't worry." Echo got down on his knee and plugged himself into the computer on the ship. "As soon as I plug in, I'll send a signal to the command ship."

"What type of signal are you gonna send?" Hunter asked, "Nothing that'll give us away, right?" He glanced at Crosshair who loomed next to him and Cora.

"As far as the droids are concerned," he plugged himself in, "we're just gonna be another one of their shuttles coming in for a landing."

"And the regs think we take risks." Hunter mumbled looking to his broody brother.

Crosshair and Hunter shared a look as Cora watched them. She crossed her arms and watched as Echo got to work. She looked back out to the front and saw the many Separatist ships around them. She narrowed her eyes and tapped her foot, something she did when she was getting nervous. Hunter looked down at her tapping foot before giving Crosshair a shrug.

"Sending the signal... now." Echo said.

"Roger, roger shuttle TC-159." A droid said over their comm. "you may approach and land."

Echo stood up and Rex smiled to him. So far their plan was working. Wrecker groaned again, looking very defeated.

"I'd rather blow it up." He said slumping his shoulders.

"I have a feeling you'll get your chance." Tech said as he pressed some buttons, getting ready to land.

The ship landed under the ship. The group grabbed their gear and started to venture out into the enemy ship. Tech helped lead with the General as he was the one who would hack the doors and get them opened, unnoticed. Everyone else stood watched, their guards up. Ready for anything to come their way.

Tech opened another door, leading to the comm vault. The electricity buzzed above in the bright coloured room. This is where Echo would transmit a plan of attack for the enemy to use, but the Jedi would already know it. Tech opened the smaller door and stepped inside. Echo took off his helmet, looking up at the room. Tech, the General, Echo and Rex all stood in the room as the rest guarded outside. Once inside, the four were talking but the buzzing was too loud to get the others to hear.

"I don't think he's on our side." She heard Crosshair say to Hunter.

"I don't know." mumbled Hunter.

"Are you both always so conflicted with clones you don't know?" Cora grumbled turning to them.

"We don't like regs." Crosshair turned to her, "Therefore we don't trust them." Cora glared at him from under her helmet. "You sure act like a reg, so we have every reason to not like you."

Cora felt anger bubble in her chest. She forcefully put her blasters back on her hip and took a few strides towards the sniper. Before she could reach him, Hunter put his arm around her waist and pulled her back. She squirmed at his grasp, her eyes still locked onto Crosshairs helmet.

"Let it go Senator." Hunter said harshly.

Cora pushed Hunter away from him. She looked at him for a moment, her face became red, "Sergeant, if you can't get a hold on your men, I'll make sure someone else does!" Her finger was in his face, as his helmet was off. "Is that clear?"

"Yes, Senator." He said professionally, with a hint of annoyance.

Cora never used her strict authority to intimidate anyone, not even the clones. But something about Crosshair and his attitude just rubbed her the wrong way. Hunter was no better. He was good at his job, but his ability to control his outrageous team was getting to her. She didn't know if he respected or was just trying to annoy her. Either way, she didn't enjoy his ability to keep his men in line. They weren't like other clones, and Cora tried to remind herself of that. But she thought maybe a tiny part of the regular clone that was in them, would follow orders and have a little respect.

She couldn't wait for this mission to be over, so she didn't have to see the Bad Batch ever again.

Cora turned away but felt the eyes of both Crosshair and Hunter on her back. What Cora didn't see, was a smirk across Crosshairs face from within his helmet, satisfied that he had annoyed the Senator.

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