Chapter 56

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Very important chapter about Cora 0–0


Cora stood with her arms crossed, watching as Omega laughed with Tech and Echo. She looked away and felt the cool breeze from the busy city outside. She stepped outside as she was drawn to the cooler air rather then the stuffy bar. Standing outside was Hunter. He stood by the door, his eyes closed as he had his head low.

"Like what you see?" Hunter said with his eyes still closed.

"Heh." Cora huffed, "I thought you were dead." She joked.

Hunter opened his eyes and smirked, "Just resting my eyes."

Cora leaned closer as he rested his head back, his eyes closing again. "Want to tell me what's on your mind?"

Hunter opened his eyes and looked at Cora, a smirk on his lips as he huffed. "Nothings on my mind." He shrugged.

Cora crossed her arms and leaned on the wall, facing Hunter. She gave him a look that caused him to roll his eyes and groan. "It's my head." He looked up away from her. "Sometimes my senses get overwhelmed."

"Like being overstimulated?"

He nodded, his eyes squeezed shut. "Cid's bar is the worst place because there's always so much happening and it's extremely overwhelming."

Cora looked down, "I'm sorry." She mumbled as Hunter looked to her.

"It's nothing." Hunter replied, "I'm used to it. It's just a matter of letting it pass."

Cora looked to him, a pause between them. She opened her mouth to say something about him needing to rest and that she was there for him, but a figure stepped in front of the two, his hood over his face. "Cora Tane." The voice was low.

She looked to the figure, Hunter no longer leaned on the brick wall, looking to the figure. He stepped next to Cora, ready to defend the Senator.

"Yes?" Her eyes narrowed at the figure.

The hood was lifted from the figure, his face exposed to the two. To Hunter, he looked like any old man, his grey beard and hair showed his age, so did the wrinkles around his eyes. But to Cora, he was a familiar face.

"Cas." Her eyes wide in shock, she breathed out, her mouth open.

"Hello, Princess." A smirk danced on his lips.

"Princess?" Hunter stepped in front of Cora. "Who are you?" His voice was demanding, causing Cora to pull him back with his shoulder.

"It's okay, Hunter." She cooed, her eyes fixed on the older man. "He's an old friend." Cora stepped forward and looked to the man, "What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

Cas put his hand up, stopping Cora from asking another question. "I think we should talk." His face had gone serious.

Cora's lips parted as her eyes darted to his face. She looked down, her brow frowned. "Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of me." Hunter said between gritted teeth.

"No." Cora shook her head. Hunter turned to her, with a questionable look.

"No?" Hunter echoed back.

Cora looked up to him. "I need to talk to him alone."

Hunter sighed and pulled Cora away from Cas. Pulling her around the corner, his voice was hushed. "Cora, I don't know this guy. I don't trust him."

"I do." She calmly said back. "I know him and trust him."

"How do you know him? He called you Princess?!"

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