Chapter 25

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Two updates in one day, cause y'all are amazing!❤️

Suu sat with Cora for a moment. Cora sat with her knees towards her chest. Her fingers tapped on her knee. She glanced over at Wrecker and Hunter who were talking at the table. Suu put her hand on Cora's back causing her to put her legs down on the ground.

"You know," Suu started, "Rex would be proud of you."

Cora looked at the woman and huffed. "What makes you say that?"

Suu shrugged, "You've survived." She half joked. Cora tried to smile which earned a frown from Suu. "You can't feel sorry for yourself. You did everything you could." Suu said referring to Lark. She knew Cut had told his wife.

"I know." She mumbled. "It's just hard."

"And it will be." Suu nodded, "You just have to learn to accept it. But it will take time."

Cora looked to the pink twi'lek, smiling softly. "Thank you."

"Any time, my dear." Suu smiled.

She stood and tended to her children. Helping them read the books they had lying around. Cora smiled to herself as she watched Suu smile and laugh with her children.

"You did what?!" Hunter yelled causing everyone to look up from what they were doing. He shook his head and stormed out the door, his comm in his hand.

Cut and Cora looked to each other before jumping to their feet and following the Sergeant out the door. The two stood next to Hunter and watched the Marauder be taken away.

"Tech!" Hunter growled into his Comm.

"This was the simplest solution." Tech said over the comm.

"Oh no." Cora's eyes grew wide as she realized the true situation at hand.

"Getting our ship impounded is not my idea of a solution." Hunter was fuming.

"We'll meet you at the spaceport with the chain codes." Tech said causality. "I have this under control."

"Are you kidding me?" Cora gasped turning away.

"There's me big problem!" Hunter said, he eyes looked to Cora who was just ever so slightly panicked, "Omega's on the ship."

The comm went silent for a moment. Cora knew that Tech and Echo didn't know she was there, "We'll keep an eye on her." Echo said with hesitation.

"We've got to head into town, now." Cut said turning to the group.

Cora nodded and helped Suu and the kids themselves ready for the trip into town. Cora looked around the empty house and saw Jek standing in the middle of the room. "I'm gonna miss this place." Jek told Cora.

Cora sighed and got down to his level. "But you get to see a whole new world! You get to explore new things, meet new people."

"But I like it here." He whined.

"Sometimes, we need to get out of our comfort zones. It will help us grow into an even better person." Cora told him.

Jek looked away for a moment, thinking. "I guess so." He shrugged.

"Come on, your mother is waiting for you." She told him as she stood up.

Jek ran outside as Cora followed, grabbing a bag to help them carry into town. The wall felt short, but the sun had gone down and the night chill was coming in. Cora kept her distance from Hunter, not in the mood fo have fo argue with him again. She wondered if she should go with Cut and Suu, but she worried about someone coming after her. She killed a clone and is wanted by this new Empire because she tried to save Jax.

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