Chapter 22

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Cut walked past the other men as he looked out at the children playing outside. He told Cora that he and Hunter were going to be heading into town and thought it's be good for her to join them. She hesitated but agreed, maybe getting out was a good idea for her. Suu approached Cora, putting her hand on her shoulder.

"If you're going into town, you should probably change out of your armour." She said leaning towards her.

Cora looked away from Cut and to his wife. She nodded, Suu turned and motioned for Cora to follow her up to their room. Cora followed, stepping up the stairs into a small room. Suu bent down and pulled a box from under the bed, pulling different coloured clothes from it.

"This should do." She said handing her a soft red shirt with some brown worn down pants. "I thought it would match your hair." Suu smiled.

"Thank you." Cora said softly. Suu nodded with a friendly smiled and left Cora to change by herself.

Sighing to herself, she looked around the small room and saw that it was the same from the last time she was here. The memory of an injured Rex helping Cut, as Suu and Cora protected the children, came rushing back to her. Cora swallowed her sadness and started to take off her chest plate. She slipped off the pieces of her old and beaten armour that had been through almost every battle with her, laying it on the bed. She slipped off her black slacks and pulled the shirt and pants over her body.

Turning around, she saw a mirror hanging over a small bowl of water. She looked at her reflection. Her eyes were dark with sleep, the bridge of her nose was a little red and bruised from Lark hitting his blaster on her nose. Her hand brushed over it, shaking from the memories. She didn't recognize herself anymore.

She turned away as her eyes started to burn into her reflection. She found herself telling her mind that it didn't happen. Jax didn't die, Lark wasn't killed by her hands. They were alive, somewhere. They would live their days fighting again. She was in denial. Cora picked up her armour and made her way back downstairs. She saw Cut talking with Hunter in the doorway. He, and Wrecker were both now in common clothes. Wrecker gracefully took the armour from Cora, putting it outside with the rest of the boys armour. Before anyone could notice, Cora slipped out the back door where the fields were, sitting down in the grass outside.

She closed her eyes, her legs crossed, and listened. She could hear the wind break the tall grass apart, it was humming through the field. She heard the children out front playing with each other. Their laughter filled her ears as the sun shone down, warming her cold skin. Cora opened her eyes, pulling the braid from her hair, and unfolding it from its place. It was still damp from the rain. Cora tried to ignore the smell of dirt and her damp hair, trying not to bring herself back to Mora. She heard small footsteps running towards her from behind. She turned to her right and saw Omega slowly walking towards her.

Cora continued to unfold her hair and let it flow down her shoulders. Omega got on her knees next to Cora. "You have very beautiful hair."

"Thank you." Cora said softly. She then started to braid it again, making it look nicer then the one she had just taken out.

"Can you teach me to do that?" Omega asked.

Cora looked at the young girl. Her curiosity was infectious and caused Cora to nod to her. "You're hair is too short," Cora said, "but you can practice on me if you want."

Cora started to teach Omega the basic braid, something her mother had taught her when she was a little girl. Cora split her hair for Omega and let her have a go at it. She got confused and couldn't do the braid right.

"It's okay." Cora assured, "It takes time." Her voice was low.

Omega let her hair go and looked down. Cora looked to her. "You're sad." Omega said.

"What makes you say that?" Cora asked.

"I can see it in your eyes. You're really hurt by something." Omega looked to her, "I asked Hunter why you were sad, but he wouldn't tell me."

Cora sighed softly, looking up towards the sun. "I lost some really close friends." She looked down to Omega. "That's why I'm sad."

Omega stayed silent for a moment, "Well," she looked around, "we're friends. We can stick together, right?"

Cora looked at Omega. Her child like optimism was comforting. She smiled softly, "Yeah kid," she nodded, "we can stick together."

"Do you promise?" Omega eyes grew big, "I've never had anyone stay with me. They all leave me." Her face grew sad.

Cora felt her heart break. She knew exactly how Omega was feeling. When Rex had found her, she felt lost and scared to trust anyone. Rex promised to stay with her, to help her through her own battles. The Captain fell through with his promise, but Cora felt betrayed in that moment. Rex wasn't there for her now. Rex didn't come for her.

"I promise." Cora said taking the child's hand. "I won't leave you."

The least she could do was be there for the girl, especially since she felt no one was there for her. They were both alone, but they would be alone, together. Omega smiled and leaned forward and buried her head in Cora's lap. The Senator was taken by surprise but gently placed her hands on the girls back, smiling down to her. Her hand reached her hair and Cora stroked it, comforting the young girl.

It was the least she could do.

"Omega." Cora turned her head towards the doorway and saw Hunter stepping out into the sunlight.

Omega lifted her head, half sitting in Cora's lap. They two girls watched as Hunter approached them. Hunter looked down to the two, a smile trying to show on his lips.

"Suu made you some lunch." He said kneeling down next to the two, "Go inside and get something to eat."

Omega nodded to the Sergeant. She looked to Cora and wrapped her arms around her neck, again, shocking the Senator. "Thank you." She heard Omega whisper into her hair.

Omega broke away from Cora and picked herself up. Hunter stood with Omega and watched as she ran back inside the little house. Hunter looked to Omega, a smile now fully on his face. Cora looked up and saw his expression, she picked herself up off the ground and patted her pants, shaking the dirt from herself.

"Omega is extremely different from the clones I've met." She said looking up to him.

"You said the same about us." He chuckled. Cora didn't smile, she didn't feel like it. Hunter looked to her, "She's taken a liking to you."

"Hm." Cora hummed. "She's alone." She stated. "I know what that's like. She's just a kid." Cora crossed her arms, looking down to the dirt.

Hunter was quiet for a moment, "How are you holding up?"

Cora sighed and dropped her hands. "I'm not sure." She looked around, "How can I feel? I watched my friend, a Jedi, be killed by the 603rd. Then I killed one of my trusted friends. How am I supposed to feel?" Her words felt more harsh then what she meant.

Hunter looked away, not knowing the answer to her questions. She was frustrated, upset at everything. She felt the anger bubble in her chest as she turned away from Hunter, a frustrated sigh escaping her lips.

"I want Omega to go with Cut and Suu when they leave."

Cora looked to Hunter, "Why?"

"Because it's safer for her to go with people who know how to care for her." Hunter looked down and sighed. "I'll be inside if you need me."

Cora stood back on to the Sergeant, she was feeling angry again. After a moment he turned away and walked back towards the house. Cora listened as his footsteps moved away in the dirt. She looked up to the sun again and shook her head. She was angry at the universe.

The Runaway {Hunter} (WATTYS 2022)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن