Chapter 37

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Ready for a long and important chapter? :))
Hunter threw the gear at Echo. He and Tech were already placing their helmets on their heads as Wrecker got ready as well. Tech passed her gear to her as she quickly put her blasters on her hips and her helmet on her head.

"Gear up. We have to go after Muchi." Hunter told them as Omega helped the civilians, "If we don't capture her, we don't get our intel from Cid."

Omega and Cora helped usher the civilians towards the direction of Muchi, with the boys leading the way. Once over the small hill, a Zygerrian lay unconscious, Hunter bending down and tracking where she moved to. Hunter stood again and motioned towards the valley. Before he could run off, Cora grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.

"What about them?" She nodded towards the scared and tired prisoners, her eyes pleaded under her helmet because she knew what it was like to be in their position.

"Omega and I will get them to safety." Echo chimed in, "You guys find Muchi."

"Right." Hunter nodded, "Go for the speeders at the south entrance."

Tech put his visor down, ready to translate, something he did on Anaxes, which made Cora put her hand up, stopping him. Cora spoke their language, telling them to follow Omega and Echo to safety and that they were free. She offered a smile, taking off her helmet to talk with them. They civilians nodded and thanked her, thanked all of them, taking her hand and telling her that they were forever grateful for freeing them. Cora smiled as Omega and Echo led them away. Tech turned to her, pulling his visor back up on his head.

"I didn't know you could speak Falleen."

Cora placed her helmet back on her head, "There's a lot you boys don't know about me." She mumbled before following Wrecker and Hunter, Tech soon following before shaking his head at Cora.

Running down into the valley, they turned the corner on a ruined tower and a Zygerrian body was thrown at their feet. Muchi let out a roar as a group of guards whipped and tried to shoot down the rancor with their purple shining bows. Muchi picked up one of the guards and threw him around like he was nothing, like a simple doll in a baby's arms.

"She's doing fine on her own." Wrecker said lifting his helmet up.

A Zygerrian from one of the old towers shot down to her, missing with the electric net to stun her. She turned and roared again, looking up to the guard. She ran straight into the old tower, causing it to shake, the Zygerrian falling down to the ground. Once she was satisfied with no guards standing, she turned her attention towards the four. Her eyes locked onto them as Cora, Wrecker and Tech pulled out their blasters, Hunter putting his arms out to stop them as Muchi stomped closer.

Before anyone could move, a horrible shriek from behind made everyone, even Muchi turn. Coming from behind the Senator and the men, was the brezak. Hunter pulled his blaster and started shooting to it, clearly annoyed that it was back again. But on the creature was the Zygerrian leader. He landed his pet causing them to move and run towards Muchi, Hunter dodging by ducking under its wings as he went to Wrecker. The leader pulled his whip and hit Wrecker, causing him to lose speed, the brezak hitting him with its head, sending him flying into a group of rocks. Cora stood a few feet away from Hunter as he stood from his tumble under the wings. Cora saw the brezak and the leader fighting with the rancor. Before he could make another hit with the whip, she ran towards him a nod tackled him off the brezak, tumbling to the dirt.

Cora scrambled to her feet as the Zygerrian groaned, shaking his head as he tried to stand. Muchi ran off as the brezak ran after her. The leader turned to her, now fully on his feet, his buzzing yellow whip in his hand. "You're going to pay for this, skug." He yelled, his face filled with pure anger.

The Runaway {Hunter} (WATTYS 2022)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum