Chapter 43

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It was dark. The smell was something Cora couldn't describe as they moved through the dark damp hallway of the Jedi cruiser. Their flashlights led their way as the metal groaned under their feet. The ship was tilting, so they walked on an awkward angle the whole time. The smell was odd, like metal but rotten and rusted. It was unusual.

"The last time I was aboard one of these it didn't end so well." Rex said as they walked through the hall.

"If the inhibitor chip isn't something you can control," Echo ducked under some loose wires, "how'd you get yours out?"

"I had help." He sighed.

Rex stopped suddenly as his boot slid on the metal, a deep drop that he would have fallen into if he wasn't paying attention too. He looked down at the water as a few pieces of metal fell down and splashed at the bottom.

"The medical bay's at the other end." Rex told them, his light shining through the hall. He looked around them, "Wrecker, grab that cable."

"This?" Wrecker lifted a heavy duty cable from the side of the wall. "W-Why? W-W-What are you gonna do with it?"


Rex had many great ideas. His battle strategies and way of fighting in the war, was seen as one of the best. It was part of the reason why he was so close with General Skywalker, both being brave and seen as the best on in the field. But sometimes Rex didn't have the best ideas.

This was one idea Cora questioned.

The drop down into the water wasn't one she wanted her or anyone around her to fall into. Using her grappling hook, Cora was the first on the other side. Rex and Wrecker threw the cable over to her as she dragged it to a metal beam next to her. Tying it tight, as they did on the other side, one by one, the group climbed the rope and made their way over. Rex, then Tech, then, Hunter, Echo and Omega.

Omega dropped from the rope as Cora and Rex both caught her. "Nicely done." Rex praised the girl as she steadied herself.

"You're up, Wrecker." Echo said across to Wrecker.

"Uh... yeah my head doesn't hurt anymore. I'm fine. You guys go without me." Wrecker was nervous. He was nervous enough about getting his chip removed, so this made it even worse.

"You can do it." Omega yelled over to him. "Just keep your eyes on the cable."

Wrecker groaned and eventually climbed on the rope. It dipped on his weight as the group watched. He slipped and was hanging by his hands, groaning and gasping at his slippery fingers. He sighed after he fixed himself.

"That was close." Wrecker groaned.

One split second later, he was dangling above the water after the cable snapped. Everyone rushed forward looking down as he hit his body on the metal, the cable getting caught on his leg, hanging him over the water.

"Are you okay?" Cora asked as she looked down to him.

"No!" Wrecker looked up to the group. "Smells awful down here!"

Suddenly, something moved in the water. A shadowy figure moved under the green slime. "What's that?" Omega asked in a panicked tone.

"Wrecker, start climbing!" Hunter yelled frantically.

"Why?" Wrecker looked up as he still hung over the water.

"Hurry!" Omega yelled desperately.

Cora could see the weird creature move, pulling Wrecker down with its tentacles. It was a dianoga. Wrecker groaned and tried to fight the monster, but was pulled down into the water.

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