Chapter 64

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Cora groaned as she leaned her head back on the metal wall of her cell. Her hands were tied in front of her, they lightly grazed over her stomach. Hunter sat next to her. Her groaned caused him to look up from his daze, seeing the pain painted on her face, he leaned towards her.

"You're hurt." He whispered.

Cora huffed, wincing as her body ached. "Yeah." She groaned out.

Hunter, whose hands were also restrained, reached forward. He slipped his hand behind her chest plate, laying his hand on her stomach, moving up towards her chest. He applied pressure causing Cora to groan again, hot pain shooting through her body. His hands moved across her body as he tried to help her. His touch sent chills down Cora's body, but the pain shook her body, to a point where she felt no joy in being touched, let alone even being near someone.

"You've got broken ribs on your left side." Hunter looked up, her face red with hot pain. He looked at her arm as well, she was in pain, extreme pain, and he could do nothing.

"Oh god." She whispered, "what are you going to do?"

Hunter sighed, leaning his head back on the metal. "I don't know." Hunter admitted.

Cora opened her eyes and glanced over to him, he looked straight ahead, lost in his own mind. "You did the right thing."

"Did I?" He questioned.

"You saved your squad for the sacrifice of you and I. I'd say you did the right thing."

"But you're not supposed to be here, I didn't save you." Hunter lifted his head and looked into her eyes.

"Omega and the team are safe." She leaned forward, "That's all that matters."

Hunter lowered his head, feeling like he let Cora down. She reached forward with her tied hands and lifted his head, their eyes locked.

The two looked towards the entrance of their cell as Crosshair entered. The two looked to him, helpless in their situation.

"How touching." He growled, curling his lip up to the pair. "You've gone soft Hunter." Crosshair turned to Cora, his eyes sharp as they looked her over. "I've learned a great deal about you, Senator." His voice pierced through her as she looked up to him. "I bet he doesn't know the truth." He growled.

"What truth?" Hunter asked looking between the two.

Crosshair's eyes slid over to his brother, a smirk across his face. "So..." he drawer out, "he doesn't know." He huffed as he bent down next to Hunter.

Cora eyed him carefully, the dull pain pushed through her body as her heavy felt heavy. But the burning hate for him was there. The small bit of anxiety also hid itself in her chest, the fear of the truth.

"Where are we going?" Hunter asked as Crosshair took out his old commanders comm beacon and activated it.

"You'll find out soon enough." He stood up, "And so will your squad."

"Using my comm won't work. They'll know it's a trap." Hunter protested as Crosshair turned away from the two.

"They'll still come for you two." He looked over his shoulder, looking at the two, before turning back and leaving their holding.

Cora huffed, not realizing that she had been holding her breath. Hunter sighed and turned away from her. She saw how much this was breaking Hunter, she saw the conflicting thoughts he had. His old teammate was against them, his brother. But his other brothers, and Omega were far away, safe from the Empire.

What seemed like hours, the guard trooper, opened the bean from the cell and motioned more troopers to escort Hunter and Cora off the ship. One grabbed Hunter and pulled him to his feet, another did the same to Cora, which earn a yell of pain to escape her lips.

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