Chapter 47

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Are you ready??? >:))


Cora found herself back on the top side of the ship. She stood there, arms crossed as her mind seemed to fade in and out of thoughts. She didn't know what to do.

She felt tired, weak, beaten and lost. She grew conflicted all over again.

The sound of ships flying through the atmosphere drew Cora back to her surroundings. She eyes lifted as she saw three attack shuttles flying over head. She dropped to her stomach, getting as low as possible as she watched them land not far from where the cruiser was.

It was the Empire.

She watched closely as the ship opened, clones pouring out of them. In the middle ship, a group of four black armoured troopers emerged. Cora recognized that long body and sniper on the troopers back from anywhere.

Crosshair right in the middle. She needed to get back to the group.

As she stood, still trying to stay low. He no longer wore his brothers arms, rather, the dull black nightmare that was his own squad within the Empire.

She watched for a moment. His eyes moved up towards the top and spotted her, pulling his sniper he quickly fired a warning shot. The blast just hit in front of her. Cora gasped as she got low again. Crosshair put his sniper down, looking towards where she hid.

If he wanted her dead, he would have shot her down on spot. But he didn't.

Cora ran back down into the ship and made it into one of the hallways. "Cora, come in?" Hunter asked frantically over comms. "Are you alright?"

He must have heard the blaster fire from Crosshair's sniper. "Yes, I'm fine. Where are you guys?" She asking running down one of the halls.

"We're headed back to the Marauder." Echo said quickly.

"Copy that."

Cora turned down another hallway and heard footsteps, but they were too heavy to be from her group. Stopping at the corner of the hall, she peaked her head out, looking to see who was coming. A group of three clones walked towards her, unaware that she was hiding, waiting.

She was at a dead end.

There was no other turn off towards any other halls, expect the way she came. She had to attack. Looking to her hip, she decided against her blasters because of the loud noise that could cause more clones to come to her position. Cora leaned her head back and took a breath as she heard them move closer. She couldn't go back the way she came, she wouldn't make it to the next corner in time.

The footsteps came closer as Cora took one last breath and swung her body out. She lifted the arm of the closest clone, pulling his blaster from his grasp. She brought her elbow up and knocked him back and pushed him into the two other clones. The clone on the left fell into the heavy metal wall as a part of it fell over his body, trapping him. One of them stood back up as Cora tackled him down, wrapping her arm around his neck. He gasped for air as she struggled as he did.

"I'm sorry." She whispered before he fell unconscious.

Cora pushed his body off her as she stood up. Her breathing was heavy as she looked to the unconscious clones. She swallowed her anxiety as she made her way back down the hall, getting as far away from them as possible.

Cora stopped as she heard more footsteps coming her way as she walked down another hall. It was too many for hand to hand combat. She needed to use her blasters. Turning them to stuff she turned the corner and pulled her blasters out as she saw figures standing there, waiting.

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