Chapter 18

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"Captain Rex, Corporal Echo, Senator Tane, and Cline Force 99." Mace Windu stood with General Kenobi and General Skywalker, along with Cody. They all faced the group, their helmets off standing tall in front of the men. "You have all done a great service for the Republic. Thanks to your courage and effort, Republic shipyards will soon be up and running again."

"You've got some medals coming your way." General Kenobi said as he, General Windu and General Skywalker turned away from the group.

"Thank you, General." Rex said.

"Senator." Cody nodded towards Cora, "There's someone here to see you."

Cora looked at the Bad Batch around her, they had turned to each other as they talked amongst themselves. She turned back towards Cody. Her eyes caught the purple shine of clone armour in the distance. Her face lit up as she approached the clone with his back on. The clone turned as he heard her approached from behind.

"Cora." He said smiling.

"Lark." She laughed saluting him. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Well," Lark looked at Cody, "Duty calls, even for you Senator." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Where are we going this time?" Cora asked with a huff.

"Not sure yet," Lark shrugged, "waiting on word from higher up."

Cora nodded, "And Jax?"

"General Uptem is inside with General Kenobi." He pointed back towards the base.

Cora nodded to her friend, a soft smile on her face. "Senator." Hunter said from behind. She turned and faced the clone, his eyes landing on Lark.

"Sergeant Hunter," Cora gestured toward him, "This is Captain Lark of the 603rd."

"I've heard a lot about your team Sergeant." Lark told Hunter, a smirk on his face. "Who knew a group of defective clones could get the job done?" He half joked.

"Lark." Cora warned.

"It just shows that we're better then the regs." Hunter narrowed his eyes at Lark, Lark looked back to him, not impressed with his attitude.

The two looked to the Senator as she looked back towards Rex and Echo. Her heart burned for a moment. As if he could read her mind, Hunter placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Echo's coming with us."

Cora sighed, "I know. I didn't think he'd fit back in like he did before."

The two watched Rex and Echo for a moment. Lark cleared his throat causing Cora to look at him. "I'll be inside with the Generals, if you need me." He turned away with Cody, their helmets under their arms.

"Nice Captain." Hunter mumbled, Cora shot him a glare.

"He's one of the best, I'm sure you'd both work perfectly together." She joked.

"Hm." Hunter hummed, "Not gonna happen."

The two stayed silent for a moment. "I should get going." Hunter said looking back to his group.

Cora turned and looked at Hunter, her face upset. "You're not staying?"

Hunter looked down to the Senator, "Being around all these organized regs, it's just not our thing." He shrugged.

Cora looked down and nodded. She walked back to the ship with Hunter, standing next to Rex. Wrecker approached Cora, wrapping her in a big hug and lifting her from her feet. She chuckled as her feet touched the ground.

"I'm gonna miss you Wrecker." She said patting his chest.

Tech nodded to her, a small smirk across his face, which made Cora feel better. She approached Echo and saluted him. "Be careful out there trooper." She said leaning closer, "Don't get into too much trouble with this bunch."

Echo chuckled, "I'll try my best Senator."

Cora smiled and looked to Crosshair. He was closed off from her, his arms crossed over his chest, a toothpick in his mouth. His eyes narrowed down on her. "Crosshair." She nodded, "Don't fall from high places next time."

"You're one to talk." Crosshair glared back. Cora smirked and turned to Hunter.

"Sergeant." She smiled softly to him.

"Senator." He said back. "Until next time."

"Hopefully not soon." Cora joked causing Hunter to chuckle. Their eyes lingered for a moment before she turned around and stood next to Rex.

Cora looked at the line of men and felt proud. She had worked with so many clones in her time, but this batch, was one of the most exciting, confusing and adventurous group she's been with. She was going to miss them. The group of men stood tall and saluted the Senator and the Captain. The two saluted back, showing their respect for such a unique group of clones.

The Bad Batch turned away and got on their ship. Echo stood at the top of the stairs, looking down over the two. Rex nodded to his brother as Cora smiled to him. He straightened his body and took a breath, walking into the ship. The two watched the ship take off and fly off into the bright orange sky. After a moment Rex turned away and patted her back.

The two friends walked back towards the command centre where they saw General Uptem and Captain Lark talking.

"Senator Tane." The General greeted. "Captain Rex."

"General Uptem." She greeted.

"I hope the Senator hasn't been a bother." Uptem joked.

Rex chuckled, "She still has the habit of falling from high places."

"That was one time." Cora groaned.

"One time too many." Lark said nudging her.

Cora rolled her eyes. She looked to Jax Uptem as he flipped off the hologram map he was looking at.

"You've got orders to take the the 603rd to Frid, there's some information that needs to be recovered." General Uptem said leaning on the holo table.

"Yes, sir." She nodded.

"I'll be at the ship when you're ready." Lark said as he and General Jax Uptem turned away from Rex and Cora.

Cora sighed and closed her eyes. She was tired but there was little time to rest. "Duty calls." She said looking at Rex.

"Sure does." Rex looked around at all the clones running around doing their jobs.

Cora looked at Rex. For the first time in a long time, she didn't want to leave him. She had left him many times and there was always the fear of them never coming back to see one another, but this felt different. Cora felt like something was wrong. She tried to push it away and she and Rex moved back towards the shipyard. They approached her ship as the two turned to each other.

"Take care, Rex." She sighed.

"See you next time, kid." Rex whispered softly.

She watched as Rex turned away and started to walk back towards the barracks. The feeling of uneasiness washed over her like a cold shower. Her heart raced as her eyes looked to the ground. Cora felt like she couldn't breathe. Maybe it was all in her head, but she didn't feel right.

"Rex!" She yelled frantically.

Rex stopped walking, and looked over his shoulder. Seeing her expression he turned fully towards her. The two locked eyes from across the way. Cora's feet felt like they were melted and glued down to the ground. Her mind raced of the possibility of never seen Rex again, but she didn't know how to tell him that. Or if he'd believe her racing thoughts.

"Be careful." Was all she could get out.

"Rex's concerned expression turned soft. The soft wrinkles around her eyes became known as he smiled. "You too, kid."

He turned away again as did she. But she stopped again, heading the soft whistle. It was Rex. The two whistled when they would leave each other. So, Cora looked over her shoulder and whistled back, the two smiling over their shoulders as they went their separate ways in the war.

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