chapter one

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October 31, 2005

"Sam!" Jessica calls, adjusting her sexy nurse costume for the party they're going to. She looks in the living room at their 2 year old daughter playing dolls with her babysitter. "Get a move on, would you? We were supposed to be there, like, 15 minutes ago." Jessica walks towards the kitchen. "Sam! You coming or what?"

Sam pokes his head around the corner from the room he's in and he's not wearing a costume.

"Do I have to?" Sam asks.

"Yes!" Jessica nods. "It'll be fun." She assures as the two meet in the middle. "And where's your costume?"

"You know how I feel about Halloween." Sam says.

"And yet you still took Evie trick-or-treating with me." Jessica says.

"Yes, because it's physically impossible to say no to her." Sam says. "Have you seen her face?"

Jessica smiles in amusement, looking over at Evie and the babysitter, their daughter having a big grin on her face.

"You're just wrapped around her finger." Jessica says.

"Can't we just stay in with her and watch movies or something?" Sam asks.

"Look, I love her, too, but we do that all the time. We're 22, we should go out and have fun. And also celebrate your LSAT score." Jessica says.

"I can celebrate with just you and our child." Sam argues.

"Sam, come on, it'll be fun. She'll be here when we get back." Jessica promises.

"Would you two lovebirds get out of here?" Their babysitter, Jan, asks. "Sam, as a stressed college student, I can tell that you need a break. From both school and parenthood. So just please make your girlfriend happy and go to the freaking party."

"Thank you." Jessica grins at Jan who smiles back. "It's two against one. Now, come on. You don't have to wear a costume, but let's go to the party."

"Fine." Sam reluctantly agrees making Jessica smile. The blonde walks over to their daughter and bends down.

"We'll be back later, okay, noodle?" Jessica tells her two year old in a soft voice.

"Otay, mama." Evie says, showing her cute grin. Jessica smiles back at her, kissing her on the head. She gets up, getting her stuff for the party as Sam goes over to Evie and crouches in front of her.

"Give daddy a hug, Evie." Sam says, holding his arms out. Evie stands up, waddling to her father. She wraps her arms around his neck and he hugs her back, placing multiple kisses on her head.

"Love you." Sam mumbles to her.

"Wuv you." Evie tells him, kissing his cheek. She turns back to her toys and Jan. Sam places one last kiss to the back of her head before standing and the couple are off to the party.


Sam is peacefully sleeping on his shared bed with Jessica. Their backs are to each other, both on their respective sides of the bed. Sam is startled awake by a noise outside of the room, somewhere else in the apartment. He quietly gets up, making sure to not wake Jessica up and he creeps out of the room.

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