chapter forty

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The Winchesters get to a village where a band is playing and some women are dressed in barmaid costumes/outfits. Sam and Dean are in suits and Sam is holding Evie's hand. She sees a sign, but can't completely read it. She tugs on her dad's hand and points to the sign with her other hand.

"What does that say?" Evie asks him. He looks where she's pointing.

"Oktoberfest 2008." Sam answers.

"I thought you spelled October with a C." Evie says, confused.

"Well, you do. But in Germany, you spell it with a K." Sam tells her.

"Oh." Evie mutters, not knowing that.

"Hey, we still got to see the new Raiders movie." Dean tells his brother.

"Saw it." Sam states.

"Without me?" Dean asks in offense.

"You were in Hell." Sam says.

"Big pretzel!" Dean says, walking over to the cart. Sam follows him, getting there after Dean pays for two big pretzels. "Thank you." He tells the person at the cart, giving Sam a pretzel. Both brothers take a bite of their pretzels.

"Guten tag." A woman passing them says.

"Guten tag yourself." Dean says.

"Looks like that's our man." Sam says, seeing a guy in a sheriff uniform. He breaks off part of his pretzel for Evie and gives it to her before they walk over to the sheriff. "Sheriff Dietrich."

"Are you the boys from the fed?" The sheriff asks.

"Agents Angus and Young." Sam states, showing their badges.

"That your apprentice or something?" The sheriff nods to Evie.

"Oh, no, uh, babysitter canceled last minute." Sam lies. "We called ahead about your, uh, problem."

"Right. Um... I'll tell you what, why don't we talk this out away from the crowd, huh?" Dietrich asks.


The three Winchesters walk inside the bar and walk up to the bar.

"I remember you." The woman from earlier says.

"And I remember you..." Dean looks at her name tag. "Jamie. I never a forget a pretty... everything."

"We're looking for Ed Brewer." Sam tells her.

"What do you want with Ed?" Jamie asks.

"Well, we are, uh... federal agents." Dean says, the two showing their badges. "Mr. Brewer was witness to a serious crime. We just need to--"

"Wait a minute. You're a fed? Wow, you don't come on like a fed. Seriously?" Jamie asks.

"I'm a maverick, ma'am. A rebel with a badge. One thing I don't play by: the rules." Dean says, winking, as he leans against the counter.

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