chapter forty-eight

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They're at a diner and Sam is sitting across from Dean with Evie next to him. Evie is eating macaroni and cheese and chicken tenders while Sam is on the laptop and the phone.

"No, no, no, you're right, it's definitely weird." "Okay, Bobby, thanks." Sam hangs the phone up as Dean walks over from the jukebox.

"What's up?" Dean asks, sitting down and picking his burger up.

"Bobby found something in Wyoming." Sam says.

"A job?" Dean asks.

"Maybe." Sam says. "Small town, no one's died in the past week and a half."

"That so unusual?" Dean asks.

"Well, it's how they're not dying. One guy with terminal cancer strolls right out of hospice. Another guy gets capped by a mugger and walks away without a scratch."

"Capped in the ass?"

"Police say Mr. Jenkins was shot in the heart heart at point blank range by a nine millimeter."

"And he's not a doughnut?" Dean asks, his mouth full.

"Locals are saying it's a miracle." Sam says.


"It's got to be something nasty, right? I mean, people making deals or something."

"You think?"

"What else would it be?"

"I don't know."

"All right." Sam packs the laptop and stands up. "Get that to go." He points to the burger.

"What about me?" Evie asks.

"Yes, we get yours to go too." Sam assures. He looks at Dean who hasn't moved. "What?"

"Sure you want me going with you?" Dean asks.

"Why wouldn't I?" Sam asks.

"I don't want to be holding you back or nothing." Dean says.

"Dude, I've told you a hundred times, that was the siren talking, not me." Sam says. "Can we get past this?"

"Yeah, we're past it." Dean says, putting the burger down.


They're at the cemetery at night and are in front of Cole Griffith-- the last person who has died in the town-- gravestone. They have 5 candles placed around a pentacle drawn on a cloth that's spread over the grave. Sam puts a bundle of sticks in the center of the pentacle. Dean sits on a different headstone, flipping through John's journal.

"You sure this is gonna work?" Dean asks.

"No. But if his spirit's around, this should smoke him out." Sam says. He pours something that Evie can't see into the bowl and Dean shuts the journal. "What?"

"This job is jacked, that's what." Dean says.

"How so?" Sam asks.

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