chapter two

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Evie sits in her car seat in the back of the Impala, playing with the ears of her stuffed dog. Dean is driving and Sam is in the passenger seat asleep.

It's been a week since Jessica died and they spent the whole week in Palo Alto with the brothers looking for her killer while Sam also had to attempt to Evie that she wouldn't be able see her mom again. Evie kind of understands, partly since she saw everything happen, but she doesn't fully understand it and is still a little confused. During the week, Sam and Evie also went to Jessica's grave once a day after they had her funeral and Evie spent some time with Jess' parents.

Evie has spent half the week waking up from nightmares about what happened. She wakes up screaming and crying, waking both brothers up, and Sam has to calm her down. It usually takes a few hours to get her back to sleep so she ends up sleeping until about 9 or 10 which is unusual as she would always be up by 7 or 8 before everything happened.

Evie has basically shut down. She doesn't talk much and when she does it's only to tell her dad that she needs or wants something. She hasn't said anything about who killed her mom or that he had black eyes. She doesn't know much but she knows eyes aren't supposed to be completely black. And she knew that Brady's eyes were never black before.

Sam suddenly jerks awake making Dean look over in concern.

"You okay?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sam assures.

"Another nightmare?" Dean asks. He keeps his voice quiet so Evie doesn't hear him. Sam clears his throat, not giving an answer. "You want to drive for a while?"

"Dean, your whole life you never once asked me that." Sam chuckles.

"Just thought you might want to. Never mind." Dean says.

"Look, man, you're worried about me, I get it and thank you, but I'm perfectly okay." Sam tells him.

"Mm-hmm." Dean nods, not believing him.

Sam looks back at Evie, seeing her play with her dog and a sad look on her face. Sam sighs sadly, wishing he could do something for her to help her, but knows there isn't anything. Sam gets a container of fruit out and opens it.

He taps Evie's leg with his hand getting her attention and he holds the container out to her. Evie shakes her head.

"Evie. You haven't eaten all day." Sam says. Evie huffs, taking the container and putting it in her lap. She takes a strawberry slice out and puts it in her mouth. "Hey." Sam gets her attention and she looks at him again. "Make sure to chew." He states, his voice slightly firm so she knows he's serious. Evie nods, chewing the strawberry slice.

"She better not get fruit in my car." Dean states. Sam gives him a look. "I'm just saying." Sam rolls his eyes, grabbing the map on the dashboard.

"All right, where are we?" He asks his older brother.

"We are just outside of Grand Junction." Dean informs.

"You know what? Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon." Sam says, glancing back to see Evie eating and looking at the passing scenery.

"Sam, we dug around for a week. We came up with nothing. If you wanna find the thing that killed Jessica--"

Sam hits Dean to be quieter.

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