chapter eight

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It's nighttime and they're at a bar in a town where the brothers are working a case. Sam is sitting at the table with research, a beer, and Evie half asleep on his lap, her stuffed dog in her arms. Dean is near the table throwing darts.

"So, local police have now ruled out foul play. Apparently, there are worse signs of a struggle." Sam says.

"Well, they could be right, it could just be a kidnapping. Maybe this isn't our kind of gig." Dean shrugs.

"Yeah, maybe not. Except for this-- dad marked the area, Dean." Sam says and Dean walks over and looks at their father's journal. "Possible hunting grounds of a phantom attacker."

"Why would he even do that?" Dean asks.

"Well, he found a lot of local folklore about a dark figure that comes out at night. Grabs people, then vanishes. He found this too-- this county has more missing persons per capita than anywhere else in the state." Sam says.

"That is weird." Dean states.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"Don't phantom attackers usually snatch people from their beds? Jenkins was taken from a parking lot." Dean says.

"Well, there are all kinds. You know, Spring Heeled Jacks, phantom gassers. They take people anywhere, anytime. Look, Dean, I don't know if this is our kind of gig either." Sam says.

"Yeah, you're right, we should ask around more tomorrow."

"Right. I saw a motel about five miles back."

"Whoa, whoa, easy. Let's have another round." Dean says, stopping Sam from paying and leaving.

"We should get an early start. Besides I would prefer to not get drunk in front of my barely awake daughter." Sam says.

"Yeah, you really know how to have fun, don't you, grandma? I'll let you slide for the kid." Dean says and Sam smiles. "Alright, I'll meet you outside. I gotta take a leak." Dean grabs his coat and goes to the bathroom. Sam pays and gathers all the research before carefully moving Evie so he's holding her. He quickly catches her dog before it has the chance to fall to the ground and he holds it.

Sam walks outside and heads to the car when he hears a noise causing him to stop. He puts the journal and dog on the hood of the car and takes a flashlight out of his pocket. He carefully holds Evie while he bends down to look under the car spotting a cat which hisses at him before running away.

"Whoa!" Sam exclaims, checking to see he didn't wake Evie up. Sam laughs at himself, standing up and waits by the car.

A little bit later, Dean walks out and finds Sam and Evie nowhere in sight. He spots the journal and dog on the hood leaving him confused. Especially because he's learned by now that Evie never lets the stuffed dog out of her sight since Jess gave it to her and it's the only thing she has left of the blonde.

Dean opens the car door to see if the father and daughter are in there, but doesn't find them. He walks up to a couple after searching the parking lot.

"Hey, you guys been outside, around here in the last hour or so?" Dean asks. They both shake their head and walk away. "Sam! Evie! Sammy!" Dean walks around, looking for his family when he spots a surveillance camera on top of a streetlight.

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