chapter thirty-six

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Sam is holding Evie as he walks across a city square towards Dean who is sitting on a bench. Dean hangs up his phone and tosses Sam a muffin and a burrito-- which he barely catches--, standing up.

"So?" Dean asks.

"So, the professor doesn't know crap." Sam says, unwrapping the muffin and giving it to Evie.

"Shocking. Pack your panties, Sammy, we're hitting the road." Dean states.

"What? What's up?" Sam asks.

"That was Bobby. Some banker guy blew his head off in Ohio and he thinks there's a spirit involved." Dean says.

"So you two were talking a case?" Sam asks.

"No, we were actually talking about our feelings. And then our favorite boy bands. Yeah, we were talking a case." Dean says.

"So a spirit, what?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, the banker was talking about some sort of electrical problems at his pad for like a week. Phone was going haywire, computer was flipping on and off." Dean says.


"This is not ringing your bell."

"Well, sure, yeah. But, Dean, we're already on a case."



"Right. Yeah. Well, you coulda fooled me."

"What the hell else have we been doing lately other than trying to break your deal?"

"Chasing our tails, that's what. Sam, we've talked to every professor, witch, soothsayer, and two bit carny act in the lower 48. Nobody knows squat! And we can't find Bela, we can't find the Colt. So until we actually find something, I'd like to do my job."

"Well there's one thing we haven't tried yet."

"Sam, no."

"We should summon Ruby."

"I'm not gonna have this fight with you."

"She said she knows how to save you."

"Well, she can't."

"Oh, really, you know that for sure?"

"I do."


"Because she told me, okay!"


"She told me. Flat out. She can't save me, nobody can."

"And you just somehow neglected to mention this to me?"

"Well, I really don't care what that bitch thinks and neither should you, so..."

"So what, now you're keeping secrets from me, Dean?"

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