chapter 11 - The Laughing Doll (part 2)

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All throughout the day and after all stupid suggestions from everyone we secretly and finally planned what we were going to do to surprise Nina.

" How is this ?" I said, showing Avery an orange, bodycon knee length dress.

"Nope" she said " doesn't look like Nina."

" tell me something about her choice." I stated.

"Uh.. I don't know, she is.."

" what about this one ?" I said interrupting her, and showing her a flowy pink dress with a sweetheart neck line.

" this is so like her!! Awsome girl, good job" she said grinning.

"Thankyou ma'am" I winked at her.

We paid for the dress and walked out of the store.

"I need coffee" I said.

"Me too" Avery said nodding her head.

We headed towards the nearest coffee shop and sat down after we ordered our coffees.

"I hope justin and Sapphire get a good cake and don't ruin anything" Avery muttered.

By this I was reminded of what happened this morning.

"Hey, why did Alec seem so angry with justin??" I asked confused.

"It's a long story,but I'll give you some important points, so we go in a one year flash back. We were "supposed" to be planning Nina's surprise birthday party and suddenly Nina showed up out of nowhere so we stopped discussing about her surprise and immediately Alec popped up a new topic to cover up. And after a few minutes, Justin burst through the door and blurted out something about the plan infront of Nina. It was afterwards that he realised that nina was present there." She told me.

" And that's how it all got ruined" she sighed.

"Nina was still happy because we atleast tried to surprise her" she said smiling.

"She is always a sweetheart" she said.

"Yes, she is" I smiled at her.

" umm Ave, may I ask why was Alec to be exact was so angry, I mean each one of you were planning, you know but nobody else seem to be glaring at justin??" I hesitated.

She raised an eyebrow but smiled afterwards and said,

"I don't know where to start from...

Alright, Alec and Nina have been friends or best friends since ages, they can do anything to make the other one happy, they fight but not for long, Alec and Nina are family friends so that must explain how they met. When I joined the school in class five Alec was always the first one to come up for birthday plans before Nina's birthday and vice versa."

" They really care and love each other very much" she finished smiling and looked up at me.

" I mean not LOVE love but loving friends" she said.

"Okay, so that explains his behaviour" I said.

Just then our coffee was delivered at our table and I took a huge gulp burning my tongue and throat.

" Do you mind if I ask you something, it's kinda personal" Avery said, eyeing me.

Uh-oh. I don't fear any question, not even a mathematical one even if barely pass in it but this somehow always makes me feel uncomfortable. If you ask me about the most fearful and difficult question, my answer will be what Avery just asked me.

" oh yes, of course" I muttered hoping for it to be good.

" I promise nobody will know " she said truthfully.

" Do you like Alec or does he like you??" She said in a rush.

" I... what??" I said, too shocked to reply anything, I've never really thought about about this.

Well yes, he is good looking but do I really like him?

"No.. no of course not" I said.

"I definitely do not like him and I'm quite sure that Alec doesn't think of me as anything more than a friend" I said, trying to make both of us understand. Avery nodded her head at that.

"But why do you ask? " I asked her.

"Nothing I just thought.........."

Suddenly, someone laughed and I was reminded of that doll I found in my wardrobe. I turned my head around to look who it was but there was no one. The cafe was deserted apart form the a few people sitting at the last table in the opposite end and woman who was entering the cafe with her little daughter.

"Allison. ." Avery called pulling me out my imagination, because I has just started imagining that that small girl with the woman almost looks like the doll.

" Nothing. sorry, I thought I heard something" I said.

" I think we should get going I have to get home before 8:00pm " she said.

" yes, it's already 7:00pm, but we have to be Nina's place at 12:00 midnight to surprise her. You'll come right?" I asked.

"Oh yes, obviously otherwise Alec sure will rip my throat out and watch me bleed till death" she said.

We both laughed and walked over to the cab and headed towards our respective houses.

"Hey mom" I said when she opened the door.

"Done shopping her gift?" Mom asked.

"Yes, finally I got her a bracelet" I said, showing it to her.

"Oh my god, that's beautiful, since when did you start shopping good girly things like this?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

" I had company" I replied.

" ofcourse! Now go get changed and I'll call you for dinner" she said.

Before going upstairs to my room I told her about the plan for tonight. Luckily she didn't stop me from going out in the middle of the night and surprise one of my friends. So I rushed upstairs and changed into some comfortable clothes sat down on my bed.

But then I realised that the doll which I hurriedly had thrown into the wardrobe before going to school was not there when I picked out clothes to change in.

I stood up and walked over to the wardrobe and opened its doors but it was not there, I searched everywhere, from the upper shelves to the lower most but It was nowhere.

I quickly walked out of my room and down the stairs to my mother.

" mom have you been in my room?" I asked.

"No, why?" She asked.

"I can't find something, I must have misplaced it, but don't worry I'll find it" I told her.

"Okay. The dinner is ready, just go and sit I'll bring these "she said.

I nodded like a five year old child afraid of her mother and walked over to the dining table and sat down, only I was thinking about the doll's sudden appearance and disappearance.

We ate while we both talked about this and that. After I was done I walked over to the keep the dishes in the sink and went back to my room to get some rest, before getting ready for Nina's birthday surprise.

Author's note : I don't know if the chapter was good enough or not. I'm sorry if it wasn't up to your expectations, but I'm hardly getting time to write. I promise it'll turn out to be better once I edit. But because there are the precious few of you who wanted an update so here it is. All I can do is hope that you liked it. I always appreciate constructive criticism so please don't hesitate pointing out my mistakes :)

IMPORTANT- I have planned to update a chapter every week. The next update will be next monday. I hope that I stick to the plan. *fingers crossed*

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The new cover is designed by @Harley_Quinn_18 thankyou :D

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